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*I_Love_CSI Blog

Thank you! and more baby talk!

Thanks everyone who left lovely comments! Names? Here we go... Saranne Sara Kristen Erin Nathalie Jenna James Greg Matty Rory Craig Charlie I've attepted to clear out the spare bedroom and start sorting out the nursery but i'm not sleeping very well and i got really tired and gave up. Work is tiring me out but hey, only about 6 months till the babies are here and i think im gonna take maternity leave in about 5 months. Got another scan due soon, can't wait. I still havent decided whether i want to know the sexes yet though, James my fiance says he doesnt mind. That's another thing, we always planned on getting married before we started a family but it doesn't look like thats going to happen now, looks like it'll be another few years now! My mams going to come over from Ireland in a few weeks to stay for a while, i can't wait, i haven't seen her in ages! I just wish my dad could be here, he would have been such a proud Grandpa! Anyway i went shopping the other day and i told myself i wouldn't start baby shopping yet because i'll end up buying far too much but i couldn't help it. I got the cutest little booties ever! Two pairs of course! Oh i can't wait!!!

Big News!

I went back for my second scan today to check about the irregular heartbeat. Turns out it was irregular because there are two of them!!! It's twins!!!!! Two more little geeklets!!! My husband is over the moon and has been phoning everyone we know! I'm happy don't get me wrong but I'm happier that everything is ok! Oh my lord I'm happy!!!!

Baby Scan :(

I went for my scan today! They said they thought they could hear something a bit irregular so i've got to go back on Monday, they said it's proberly nothing and that their just checking to make sure but i can't help but worrying! I really hope everything is fine, please god make everything fine! Sorry i'm really depressing people proberly buti'm kinda seeing this blog as like a online diary and baby progress thing. Thanks xxx

Baby Buisness

Sorry about this but i've got to say it some time. I have now been banned by my family from mentioning the baby more than 300 times a day!! They said they are really starting to worry seeing as the only things i EVER talk about is CSI and the baby. My husband is sick of me now! So in a desperate atempt not to be gagged and hidden in a cupboard i thought i'd write everything i was thinking and happening here (seeing as you can't be strangeled over the internet) I will however warn you that you will probably know more about my baby than my husband does by the end of this!!! Anyway, i've got my first proper scan on friday to check everything is ok! I can't wait, i wonder if i can see the baby!! WoW!!! Well i'll stop there for now and easy you gently into my baby obsession!! Oooh and also the baby is due JULY 16th not january!! I'm going mad already! Bye for now xxx

Mini Geekelt on it's way!

I'm pregnant!!! and with a mini-GSRer!!! And to put your queries to rest, it will be raised as a GSRer from birth! Thanks Rock_Royalty! Anyway it(oh i hate calling the baby "it" but i don't know what else to say) is due 16th January. And also is it mean to hope for a girl? Not that i'm too bothered if i have a boy but i have to boys and i can't really see them being flowersand chocolates kinda men! I need a little girl to gossip about cute GSR scenes with! What am i like? That really is an addiction when you dream about your unborn childs future and it involves GSR!! :P Anyway. Bye Bye for now! xxx p.s i will apologise in advance for anyway random outburst of emotion, im blaming the extra hormones!


I'm off to America tomorrow!!! I can't wait!! Yay! I may even get to see some of the new series of CSI!