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Wow, I totally forgot this website existed. Whoops.

Do people ever come on here anymore? Just wondering. Cause I mean, this place brings back memories from a couple of years ago.

Good times...

Um. Let's seee.... what's new...

I'm 14 now, I've been a vegetarian for a year now, I'm straightedge, and my bedroom walls are purple.

Man, I miss all my old friends from this site. Like Sean. He was a cool kid. Not to be creepy or anything, but has anyone heard anything from him lately?

In case you haven't noticed, I'm really, really nostalgic. About EVERYTHING. Except for 6th grade. That year was HORRIBLE.

Sooooo, yeah. That's about it.

OH YEAH. Crash Love came out on Tuesday. GET IT. Greatest CD in the world. AFI, you never disappoint.

And there's that. I actually post on it.
