*Jacky17 / Member

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Extra hand?!

To start off, things are better with me and Daniel. We "talked" about what we felt and I say "talked" between quotation marks because he started the conversation by sms. I hate talking about serious things over the phone and especially sms, but it was better than things being the way they were. I told him that I thought he had more confidence with me, because anytime I had anything serious to say to him I would always talk face to face. Anyway, that was Friday night and Saturday me and my friends had a girls night out. Nothing like good company and a couple of coca colas to brighten up your spirit! Lol
Today, although school ended Friday, we had a "field trip" to the movies. We saw The Da Vinci Code. If it wasn't for my friends and the fact that they wouldn't stop throughing popcorn at each other and their "unusual" comments, I would have payed more attention to the movie. lol But from what I saw, it was very interresting. And, believe it or not, when I got home, I went to my living room and just stared at the "last supper" painting I had there! lol Is it just me, or is there and extra hand in the painting? :S If you look at the third disciple, you'll see a hand with a knife.. who's hand is that?!

Exams are right around the corner... Yes, I've already started studying... (If i didn't there would be a reason to worry :P ) It doesn't seem that complicated now that I've actually looked at the books. lol
Well I'm off to study some more.

Take care *