Tofay i went to visit my cute litle wittle puppy, Husky:D
He is so cute it always is eager and wags his tail when he sees me step out of my car. he is an inside and outside dog he i a **** male he is a brother and a son.
His older bro, Sparks is 1 year old he is male and he is brown and black is looks so cute and fuzy and i snuggle with him wha=en i go to sleep i am the mother of Sparks and sometimes i sneak him to my bed and we sleep together we alwayz keep each other warm on cold nights he's my "baby" i luv him so much!!
we'll better get back to my nepthew, Husky we are going to go play inside and wathc i movie 2 gether...we are going to watch Scay Movie 4..i:lol:t's so funny i laugh throught the movie well laterz..
comment my blog pleez..:)
tommorow i will post a pic of Husky & Sparks and i want u 2 comment my little cutties!