Hi this is my blog (I've never done one before), and just to clarify, I don't have an obsesion with the letter E it's just turned out that way.
My name is Jamie, I'm a 16-year-old-male and heres nearly 100 questions about me
Well today I'm level 1, even though I was level six yesterday, sort of strange, and I was looking at other people and decided to do the 100 questions about me so here comes the excitement:
1) Are you in a complicated relationship? I wish!
2) How about a serious/happy relationship? I suppose my friends would coun't as a happy relationship
Well there is no question3 but the person before said make up a question in the comments bit and I'll answer it.
4) How many houses have you lived in? 1, no 2 but the first was when I was 2 so I don't remember it and have been at my house for 14 more years (I'm 16)
5) Favourite candy bar? Mars Galaxy or the Dairy milk with Turkish delight inside
6) Have you ever tripped someone? Probably but I don't remember
7) Least favourite school subject? German. Nein nein nein es ist nicht gut (no no no it's bad)
8 )How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3, 2 pairs of trainers and some nicer ones from Top Man (oh plus school shoes)
9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? Hahahaha no. But my (male) friend had a funny phase when he was about 10 and even had a Britney calendar, as I love to remind him six years later.
10) Have you ever thrown up in public? At school when I was six, all I heard was the boy next to me going "MY NEW SHOES!"
12) Favourite genre of music? Rock or.. I don't know I like everything. At the moment I'm listening to Maroon 5's new album, I love Paolo Nutini and I'm surprised that I really like the song "Everything" by Michael Buble. And of course I saw McFly last month (NO DON'T STOP READING) I know they're Mcfly but they're surprisingly good, especially live.
13) Whats your zodiac sign? Aquarius so I'm loud nosy and outgoing. Maybe...
14)What time were you born? Ten past 8, or ten to I can never remember
15) Do you like beer? Fk yeah
16) Have you made a prank phone call? Yes to Frank the drugs people but I felt bad so I hung up.
17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? Well, besides Mcfly the worst one I've ever bought was an S Club Juniors album from a million years ago that never gets listened to.
18 ) Are you sarcastic? No, what do you mean?
19) What are your favorite color(s)? Yellow, it's bright and happy (like me perhaps)
20) How many watches do you own? I don't wear any but I've probably got a few broken ones in my room.
21) Summer or winter? Summer. Relaxing on my trampoline- so cool
22) Is anyone in love with you? Why of course... I can only dream
23) Favourite colour to wear? I don't have a favourite. I have clothes in red blue grey white black yellow purple and, well that's it. (these aren't all on the same t-shirt, I'm not trying to explain about my job at the circus). I like all colours, just not green or orange
24) Pepsi or Sprite? I would say coke but Pepsi isn't very good coke so sprite.
26) Where is your second home? My dads, in central London by Liverpool Street. He even has a balcony it's so cool!
27) Have you ever slapped someone?only friends in fun
No 28!?
29) How many lamps are in your bedroom? One that doesn't get used. That's a weird question
30) How many video games do you own? Quite a few, like 25, most from years ago.
31.) First pet you owned? Haffity the hamster
32) Ever had braces? Nope. But the dentist asked me of I wanted them anyway. Random?
33) Shampoo you use? Tescos something
34) Do you use chapstick? Nope
35) Name 4 teachers from grade school: Grade school? I'll say that means secondary school.
Mr Carter- EVIL German teacher sent from the depths of hell itself to teach the language. He's not even German, he's from Lancashire but still get's angry if you mention the war
Miss Hickey- Crazy Canadian science teacher. A brilliant teacher but can't pronounce the word Gorgeous (so we make her say it all the time)
Mr Bryden- Another madman. He teaches us maths and if you talk too much then rather than detention then he makes you come to colouring club where you have to colour in a picture of Pinky & Perky while he plays Des O Conner records just to make you unhappy.
Miss Collins- Stupid English supply teacher who's hand naturally falls into the shape of a claw. She keeps saying "I Toad You" which is meant to mean "I Told You" and it's hilarious.
36) American Eagle or Abercrombie? Wtf?
37) Are you too forgiving? Yes
38 ) How many children do you want? 2
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic?. Hot Topic? Darn Americans with their funny things.
40) Favorite breakfast meal? Cereal and toast. Oh and I love Croissants. And I suppose bacon. With loads of ketchup.
41) Do you own a gun? Hahaha. NO! If you own a gun you go to prison.
42) Ever thought you were in love? Of course
43) When was the last time you cried? April 2007 (I went a bit weird) but before that it was 15th October 2005
44) What did you do last night? Went on a bike ride to a beautiful field about 4 miles from my home, but all my friends were busy so I went on my own and sat reading the 5th Harry Potter book in the grass it was lovely. (I'm reading the book again because I forgot what happened and the new one is out soon)
45) Olive Garden? Well what is that supposed to mean?
46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy? Probably when I was like 5
47) Have you ever been in a castle? Yeah loads
48 ) Nicknames? Well my name is Jamie but my family call me JJ (or PB which stands for pissed boy, it's a long story, I got very drunk at a Christmas family party, they were offering me free champagne, what was I supposed to say?) but my friends call me Jamieeeeeeee. No really they do (pronounced Jemehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
(Where are 49. 50 and 51?)
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? Does me count?
53) Ever called somebody Boo? No, but I like Monster Inc.
54) Do you smoke? No my friends did but I'm not stupid
55) Do you own a diamond ring? Nope
56) Are you happy with your life right now? Sort of. At this precise second yes, last night alone in a stupid field with only a square eyed scarred idiot for company and aching legs, no
57) Do you like your hair? Sometimes. When I gel it good Yes, other times no.
58 ) Who is the one person who can make you happy any day? Me. Mainly because I don't have a girlfriend but it's me that controls my happiness and if I'm happy with me then I'm alright.
60) What were you doing in May of 1994? Sleeping? Actually I had a girlfriend called Kate at playgroup (aged 4, how sweet)
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? (again) hahaha no
62) Mcdonalds or Wendys? WTF is Wendys, suppose it's McDonalds then
63) Do you like yourself? Pretty much. Didn't we have this question? Oh no that was "Are you happy with your life"
64) Are you closer to your Mother or Father? Errrm, I would've said mum this time a year a go but she's been annoying me and my dad makes me smile.
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? Long hair, blonde or brown and slim. Not that I'm picky. The twins from Big bro would be ideal
66) Are you afraid of the dark? No
67) Have you ever eaten paste? Don't think so
68 ) Do you own a webcam? No
69) Have you ever stripped? I'm pretty sure I haven't. No I haven't I would remember that.
70) Ever broke a bone? Nope, lucky me, well I might've broken my toe once but it might've just been very bruised
71) Do you have a cell phone? Of course, and it's called a mobile
72) Do you chat on AIM often? Is that like MSN? If so then no much
73) Pringles or Lays? Oh Lays is what you foreigners call Walkers isn't it. I think it'd be Prawn cocktail Walkers (so Lays)
74) Have you ever had your heart broken? A bit, well, yes
75) Ever had a wish come true? (here we are again) hahaha no
77) Did you like your high school guidance counsellor? You have councillors, haha.
78 ) Ever kiss in the rain? Nope
79) Do you have any pets? 2 gerbils: Bubble and Squeak. I just call them Blacky & Whitey. Blacky is evil I don't like him.
80) Do you own a car? I'm only 16
81) Can you cook? I got an A for my coursework in food and will probably get an overall A in the GCSE. But surprisingly no. I cannot cook. I can burn and food poison though.
82) 3 things that annoy you?
1. Charley on Big Brother
2. Flies and bees and buzzy things that land on you when you're trying to enjoy the sun.
3. People who correct you all the time.
83) Do you text message often? Yes, O2 give me 300 free texts every time I top up
84) Money or love? Love
85) Do you have any scars? On my leg I got bitten from a dog. Not to mention countless burns on my arms from a cooking GCSE
86) What do you want more than anything right now? Lost series 4 (only 8 months to go)
87) Do you enjoy scary movies? Yeah
88 ) Go play in traffic? That's not very nice
89) Gum? What about it?
90) Do you enjoy sweet food? Yes
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? Not even one (and that makes me proud)
92) Do you own a box of crayons? Probably
93) Ever had sex in a public place? I wish
94) Who was the last person you said I love you to? Probably a family member
95) Who was the last person that made you mad? Charley on Big Brother- stupid *****
96) Who was the last person that made you cry? Me, I think
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? My friend Charlotte (she came to my field with me today. I didn't need Harry Potter this time)
98 ) Who was the last person that texted you? Charlotte: "Can You meet at mine"
99) Who was the last person that called you? My Dad talking about our action holiday next week (To Slovinia, hmmm should be interesting at least)
100) Who's your cell phone provider? O2. I like them.
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