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*JasmineTea88 Blog

Yawn.. yawn...


It has been a boring couple of weeks for me.

Iv been bombarded with studying :(. Still got some more to do, but i feel i must procrastinate.

And i thought it was time i wrote a new blog.

So, no new avatar for a while :(. Il probably be too old to remember what Avatar is by the time the Boiling Rock airs.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger, i was really upset to hear about his death. :cry:

But on the plus side, i bought new shoes!! and chocolate cookies!!

I think im going to go have a cookie.......

Feel free to comment and let me know how your week has been!


I just realised that i have over 1000 posts!!! Not bad considering i have only been here for just over a month.

First week back at Uniis tough. I haven't been such a geek in ages, been in the library till evening most days.

Had dissection again for the first time in ages. Got to take out the heart :D, but i didn't eat it.

Working at the weekend so it looks like i won't get much of a break :(.

I still somehow manage to find time to go on Not posted much so iv been on level 5 for ages, grr. At least Caveman Lawyer sounds cool.

Still find blogging and spammingtime though, good fun.

I like randomosity.

So, what now.

I didn't want to call this blog the "I am leaving" blog, because im not really leaving.

But, im back to Uni 2moz and working at the weekends. I will be busy, busy, busy. And, as much as I love and it's avatar forum, it isn't really a priority.

Il be on from time to time though, but im trying to wean myself off. This was a good way to spend rainy days in these holidays, had some good laughs. Hope I can still make time to enjoy some silly off-topic threads. Some really funny/perverted people on these forums.:D

Saw TFM, fantastic stuff btw!! Aang and Zuko are so cute! Now,I really want to adopt Aang, lol. Hope the next episode airs soon or il just loose track of Avatar, :(.

Get well soon to all of those who have caught the winter chills and take care.

My first blog!

Ihave nothing of particular interest to talk about but i have been on this site for about a month now and feel that it is about time I wrote my blog (incase there are some people who think that i am only on the site so i can stalk them).

Been posting on the Avatar forum mostly. Its really busy and there is always something to discuss/ go off-topic on. So I have been hearing about episode 313 airing in Zimbabwe, Can't wait to see it!!

I have given up on UK television though. Im sure the americans have given up on their's too. There are only so many Avatar reruns one can handle.

Recently discovered "the boondocks," funniest cartoon ever (if you can stomach the profanity).

The yellow sponge must die! Yes, I cannot stand Spongebob. He is useless, annoying and he cuts into my Avatar time!

Lastly I want to say sorry to Kanjo Girl for accidently stealing her identity (Yue) and hopefully my new icon (Jin) isn't too rubbish.