When TV crosses into reality...
by *Jaycey on Comments
I sat in front of my TV set tonight, browsing the TV guide to see what I could possibly watch when I saw something that caught my eye. Having had to live through the bombarding of Reality TV, I was familiar with the name Charlie O’Connell and the fact his brother Jerry was a common figurehead in Crossing Jordan - a show I had yet to watch to be honest. So, as I was saying, as I browsed, I saw that Crossing Jordan would probably be the only show that could hold my attention, as long as the episode seemed interesting. I looked for the summary and it just nudged my interest up a bit. Tonight’s episode was said to be Skin & Bone, and Charlie O’Connell would be playing Calvin, Woody’s brother. Immediately I wondered how good a job he’d do, and what the chemistry between the O’Connell brothers would be on screen - so I settled in to watch… and I got hooked! Charlie can act… or at least I think he can. Then again, maybe he can’t but the fact he is comfortable with Jerry lent him some credibility. Who knows anymore? But the fact of the matter is: Calvin was very credible. I just loved the interaction between Cal and Woody, the rough-housing in the elevator, the constant bickering… It reminded me of my own relationship with my younger brother. That love/hate relationship was something I could entirely relate to. You love that sibling, but at times you’d love nothing better than to throttle them because they make you so mad or irritate you that much. And when they let you down, you feel so much disappointment you wished you could just turn them away from you. I thought that the writers did a great job of demonstrating that and playing up that duality. At the same time, the other plots were interesting. Bug’s attack, the mobsters shallow grave, Lily having to deal with her difficulty to feel any kind of sympathy for those deaths right until the moment one of those mobsters’ daughter showed up and finally put a heart and soul on the mugshot. That was a grand episode that definitely got Crossing Jordan a new fan… and one who would love to see more of the Woody/Calvin struggle.