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Degrassi a...HELLMOUTH???? (complete randomness)

Anyone who knows me, know im a big fan of three shows: Degrassi, Buffy and Scrubs. Now, neone who watched the 40 most go-therest moments know James Hurst called Emma's window a "hellmouth". That would mean the Emma's window is the center of slutty activity. Now, that made me think about how Emma was always "the good girl" which could be translated as the slayer. If ne of you watched Buffy, you remember the whole "into each generation.." thing they used to do at the begining. Well, i think if Degrassi was like Buffy, it would go like this "Into each generation, there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the sluts, the pollutionist and the a$$holes, she is the environmentalists." there, i think that made sense that...didnt. oh, well.