GAAH! I'm so sorry about the blog!spam... but my confidence was TOTALLY boosted after (finally) successfully posted my (complete) entry. I figured I might as well finish off my list while I'm ahead.
Hey, if it's any consolation, it'll probably be my last entry in a while, you know, because of my crippling laziness.
Here are the top five, ENJOY!
5. Cameron/House. (House)
20 years age difference be dammed, these two got some wicked chemistry going on! I was so thrilled when season 4 started and my HouseCam was still going strong- I was really worried when the writers pushed the Chase/Cameron disaster at the end of season 3, but Hugh and Jennifer came through for this hopeless shipper, just when she thought all hope was lost. (Especially in last night's episode- there was squeeing from a one, Jillian AKA Beanie AKA ME!)

4. Booth/Brennan. (Bones)
Season three started, and I could help but notice that over the summer, everyone's favourite crime-fighting duo seemed to have turned down the heat a bit. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed. But then the season warmed up ( as well as the bodies ::see last night's awesome epi:: ) and so did the romance, as Booth and Brennan stepped it up (better than ever, I might add) in couples therapy and proved me wrong... not that I'm complaining or anything ;D

3. Chuck/Ned. (Pushing Daisies)
Three episodes in, (four if you're Canadian or actually reading this on Thursday) and I'm already in love with these two. It's truly a timeless fairy-tale love and Pushing Daisies is breaking ground and taking names... Especially when said ground is actually hallowed and the aforementioned names are that of yet-to-be-foiled murders. With adorable charm and sexual tension that won't quit, Chuck and Ned push their way up my personal list.
2. Jim/Pam. (The Office)
Probably the most lovable of all my couples. Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski add so much to their respective characters, I think it's actually more difficult to dislike these two than to fall in love with them. Probably eligible for an award for Outstanding Chemistry EVER, these two add so much to a show thats already amazing without them. I don't think there is one person who could watch a whole episode of The Office and honestly say that there is nothing special about the affection that these two share for each other, unless of course that person is blind. Introducing the first Jam of my list, Jim and Pam.

1. Jack/Sam. (Stargate SG-1)
There is so much to say about these two, that i think it's better for every one if i just keep it short, lets examine these numbers, shall we? 10 years, 5 alternate realities, 4 kisses, 3 teammates and 1 gorram regulation- thats just a few of the things that these two have been through.. not to mention how many times they saved the planet! They have been through so much together, and one thing that was always there was the feelings that they have for each other. I'm getting all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it-- Ladies and Gents, my number one (And second Jam featured on my list) TV Couple, Dr/Cpt/Mjr/Col Samantha "Theoretically..." Carter and Col/B.Gen Jack "Fercryinoutloud" O'Neill.
Honorable Mentions: Jack/Kate. (Lost), Angel/Buffy. (BtVS), Kim/Ron. (Kim Possible), and Elliot/Olivia (Law and Order: SVU)
Thank you sooo much for reading, I hope it wasn't boring or anything... I had fun anyway =P
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