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*Linds1986 Blog

august 3rd news

August News of the day

My summer has been crazy and hell. Im done school until fall thank god one less to stress over. I cant believe summer is almost over boo who. The reasons why i been not on here was because i had college and I was in a car crash, My car is unfixable and my friend was killed, I hurt my leg and neck and soulders badly. We were being followed by a big black truck but by the time the cops got to us they pulled us off the road and we crashed into a tree and the black truck driver drove off. Now i have to go to court next week to face the killer that done this, I was the only wittness left alive. On top of that I keep hearing sounds of the car brakes and freaking out when im in a car and keep getting nightmares. Im ben tryin to stay awake during the day but can hardly due to not sleeping much. My boyfriend and me broke up. I hate cops they arent doing anything to the drug house across the streeet from us and same with the two run aways living behind my parent's house. Im sorry for the sad blog

Quiz time took it from brinchen's blog

1. What does your Name MEAN? Linds1986: short for Lindsay and the numbers is what year i was born lol

2. Where was your avatar pic taken? A friend on photobucket
3. What is your nickname? Lind,LindsLindsay, kiddo pops,hun
4. Your current relationship status? Im in a relationship as of last month

5. Honestly, does your crush like you? Yes
6. What is your current mood? sleepy with a bit of headache
7. What/who do you love most? my family and friends
8. What makes you happy? csi new york and spending time round my family and pets

9. Are you musically challenged? I play differant things the flute and piano
10. If you could go back in time, would you change something? yes
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day what would you be? a orca are a horse
12. Ever have a near death experience? Yes lots
13. Something you do a lot: work my ass off
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? hanging by a moment by the lifehouse
15. Who did you copy and paste this from? BRINCHEN
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you? my best friend
17. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? Yes
18. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex? the face
19. What do you usually order from Starbucks? frosty moo lol. dont remember the real name
20. What's your favorite colors? Blue and light green and white
21. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows? yeah.

22. Do you speak any other language? german and english, and a tiny bit of french, italian and japanese like brinchen
23. What's your favorite smell? my cotten candy parfume everyone notices when i walk into the room.

Have a wonderful day cya around

Tagged and read this

Danny: Holy Monatna

Lindsay: (looks up at Danny) What messer?

Danny: I love ur hair and u smell like cotten candy as a joke he asks her Can I eat you.

Lindsay: (starts to giggle at Danny's joke.) Thanks Danny for noticing it And NO you may Not eat me.

Danny: No come on linds starts tapping his feet. Lindsay: lindsay grabs the fishbowl off the desk and dumps it over his head "go cool off hotshot"

About me

1: I take arts and drama

2: I work at the vets

3: I have good earing one of the best out of my family and i get strange feelings like i know whats going to happen next are someone thinks just by looking at them. I think i got premonition.

4 : I got 3 best sisters. Im the frist child and i act like the middle child family comes before anything. I try to help to be there to help if anyone needs me i often could help them.

5: I came from a musical AND art family

6: I was on tv and in the papers for laying the flute with my younger sister.

7: Im very Vegetarian!

I tagg

boo moo, brinchen and JJ

Im New




Pm If You want to know more