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*LorelaiDanes Blog

I'm back!

I know its been awhile since I logged in due to various reasons. I must say I was thinking about this site when the ending of my favorite show happened, and unable to sign on and vent. In my dreams Lorelai Danes still happened!

I will blog more once I get my bearings back on the new crazy site.

Farewell Christopher

I know its been while since my last post, but work has blocked th is site now.  Sigh.  OK anyway.

I love that Chris and Lorelai are ending it, and finally Lorelai was honest with herself and Christopher.  I did hate the I want to want you part though.  Yuck, and Chris seeming so sincere and sweet.  Yeah right.  I just hope then do end it. 

So Long Anna

I have to say I am glad that Anna is gone!!  Which means there will be no rekindled romance.  I can not stand her.  I loved Luke standing up to Anna regarding her treatment of him.  Him calling her on it, and her huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf was priceless.  It will be interesting to see how Lorelai comes into play in this new development.

One of these days...

This is crazy.  Rory was only upset because she wasn't there?  I loved the honesty of Lorelai saying Rory would have talked her out of it.  Hmmm, here's a thought.  if you can be talked out of it maybe you didn't really want it in the first place?  I believe that must be a nouveau concept.

Lorelai Hayden?!?!

Are they kidding?  It does not even sound romantic.  The Paris thing may have been nice if it was anyone else BUT Lorelai that Chris took there.  It tore my heart up.  I was wearing black and eating cookie dough.  It was disgusting.

What I really hate is that I think Lorelai is going to alienate Rory by marrying Christopher.  If for no other reason then she would want to be there when it happened.  I am predicting some major fall out.  If it isn't from her I can imagine the town of Star's Hollow will mutiny against the new husband out of loyalty to Luke.

I predict that Richard and Emily will be absolutely thrilled that the two crazy kids finally did it much to Lorelai's chagrin I am sure.

I need some input as to change the title of this entry.  People give me some quotes that I can use.

"And the hits just keep on coming."

This blog may contain SPOILERS!!  I will only be mentioning what was said in the previews and summaries of the next two episodes, BUT if your one of the purists who will not read the summaries ahead of time or view the previews.  Please leave now and return on 9 PM EST Nov. 21 2006.  Thank you.

The above quote was said by Lorelai in Christopher Returns when Chris asked her to marry him the day after the disastrous dinner with both sets of parents.  She was shocked and told him there was no way it was going to happen... nicely of course. 

    I am reminded of this saying due to the coming dread of the next episode.  Lorelai goes to Paris with Chris to take GiGi to be with her mother.  Where we see he will propose in a beautifully romantic restaurant.  I think the exec producers and the writers want to see how far Java Junkies will go before we mutiny.  You would think the drop of viewers would be a clue. If it was Luke I would be thrilled.  Since it is Christopher, I will be wearing black, eating comfort food like cookie dough,  and mourning the loss of a Gilmore Girl.  The summary of the show does say she will come back to Stars Hollow with surprising news which means only one thing.  I can't even type the words so let your imagination take you where it will.  The Pièce de résistance is the next episode where we see the fall out, and Rory's wonderful expressions of outrage.  I only hope the outrage is that it was not Luke rather than she wasn't there to witness it.

The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

Lorelai Gilmore + Lucas(Luke) Danes = Lorelai Danes!!  I have said this before, but it's gonna happen.  The chemistry is too great to ignore.  They fit together.  Producers know it.  The fans know it.  The only ones who don't seem to be those poor souls.  Eventually, it will be all happy.  I am beginning to wish that this season is a huge flashback though.  IT WILL HAPPEN.

Long Live Luke and Lorelai!!