I am now level 11, Red Shirted Lt.!
Today I bought 'Chasing Liberty' and I love it. Not only do the two agents in it remind me of the Tony/Kate relationship, but it has Mark Harmon in it. Awesomeness!
Today, I also saw 27 Dresses at the movies. One word: fantastic!
Katherine Heigl is PERFECT for the role. I love it so much! But I am one of those "fee-good" movies types :lol:
I recomend it to everyone! You won't regret it, unless you aren't a romantic, feel-good movies type :D
I also bought 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer today. I've heard rave reviews about it from a variety of sources, so I thought I'd give it a go :D
You and Your Sister A wonderful quiz that Jane (sweet_jane) did for her sister, and I decided to do it for mine, if that's ok :D
Are you a big sis or a little sis?
What is your sisters name?
What is the pet name you call her?
How old is she?
What is your fondest memory of each other?
Too many to choose from.
What is the worst memory of each other?
Whenever she is in one of those crazy moods
Did you attend the same school ever?
If so, did she act like she knew you, or did she ignore you?
Ignored me most of the time :D Think I embarrassed her though (go figure)
Her Favourites
Colour: Pink
Number: :? Don't think she has one
Singer: Gwen Stefani :)
Song: Too many :D
Food: haha, too many :P
Activity: Cooking, crafts
Drink: Coke!
Phrase: Shut up Ashleigh ( :) )
Did You Ever
Seems like everyday :) Our relationship isa love/hate one.
Laugh together?
YES! Alot of the time.
Cry together?
Only if one of us hurts the other. Doesn't happen very often though.
Get on each others nerves?
For sure!
Play together?
Yeah.I remember playing barbies with her :D
Call each other names?
Yeah, sometimes. If we're in an extra mean mood.
Terrorize the neighborhood together?
No. Not very fun... Our neighbours would hurt us :D
Console one another?
She doesn't need to be consoled much...
Have You Ever Been
Mad at her?
Happy for her?
Yes :D
Proud of her?
Yes :lol:
Jealous of her?
Surprised at her?
Not really...
Do You Think She Is
In her own, special way, yes.
ehh, I don't wanna sound mean or anything... :D
If she wants to be :P
AHAHA, yes! Well, not ALL the time...
Uh hu *nods*
... ehh.
Yes, for sure!
Would You
Risk your life for her?
Of course I would.
Take care of her if she needed you?
Stand up for her?
Most defiently
Trust her with your life?
Ehh, I dunno bout that one... :D
Do You
Ever wish she were different?
No, well, I do wish she wasn't so... nah, never mind :)
Ever wish you had been different?
Unfortunately, yes
Love her?
Yeah. She my baby sis :)
Care about her?
Tell her this enough?
Unfortunately not.
Feel like talking to her now that the quiz is over
She asleep :) Tomorrow, promise :D
Sorry but the Michael Weatherly section is currently unavailable due to me running out of decent pics :)
Instead I shall put an Eric Szmanda pic since I recently came into alot of them ;)
P.S The title is a quote from Chasing Liberty.
Signing Off
Ash xo
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