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*M-W-S-A-T-D-K-T Blog

She lives!

Hi all, I'm alive!

I haven't been on here in... whoa, a few months I'm guessing.

Well, a lot has happened since I was last on. Psych has risen up on my favourite shows list, now coming 2nd below NCIS. Zooey Deschanel has replaced all previous favourite actors and actresses to become numero uno. My favourite movie has changed from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to All The Real Girls and the forever fantastic band Panic At The Disco is now second on my favourites behind the band She & Him.

The real point of this blog, is to say hey, I'm going to make for of an effort to become an active member of again. I'm going to try.

Between searching for the latest information about Zooey Deschanel and constanting being on myspace, I will be on here. I promise I will try.

So, hi again guys.

I have mysteriously been tagged...

Yes, I know I haven't been on very much lately, and I probably won't be on much in the future, but I will try to pop over every couple of days. I have been stolen by the lovely people over at NFA, so blame them :P

As I came on, I found that I have been 'tagged'... 3 times. So, Ali, Corinne and Tania, here ya guys are :P :P

I am not an interesting person. Infact, I am quite the opposite, but lets see what I can think up :P

1. I have had needles in the head. Yah, yah, most of you probably read about me going through it. Whatever. It's interesting, so I'm mentioning it :P

2. I have... met Craig Lowndes :) He rocks. If you don't know who he is, he is a V8 supercar driver ;D

3. I have never been out of the country ;D That's interesting.... right?

4. I have a biiiiiig Johnny Depp poster in my room ;D That, I'm happy about.

5. I have never broken a bone. The worst I've done is sprain my finger (don't laugh). My sister was coming at me with a stool, so my instinct was to protect my face, and in the process, my finger got sprained.

Yes, so they weren't very interesting, but I did what you guys said! ;D


le grande

Hey Guys.

Today I went and saw Le Grande Cirque at the Opera House.

It was awesome! It was totally jaw dropping (whether that was from what was happening or the shirtless guys with 6 packs, I don't know :) ) and the ringmaster type guy was funny as! He kept doing all these things when the people were setting up. He chucked one poor guy out of the place :D and challenged another guy to a dance off (the guy was pretty good). At the end they threw big beach balls into the crowd, which is always a crowd pleaser :lol:

It was a great day. But, the most fun part was walking around and eating before we went in :D I went with my mum, dad and sister, and me and my dad were being so mean, but funny :D

We were all like "Spot the tourist". It was kinda easy. Since we had lunch at a place which overlooks the Harbour Bridge, we were surrounded by tourists. They were mainly the ones with cameras or video recorders and the *shudder* socks and sandals! Most of 'em also had long pants on. That's also how you could tell :D Then dad takes it one step further and put the camera he brang for the show around his neck, then he drapped my sister up to stand where he could take a photo of the Harbour Bridge in the background *rolls eyes* Extremely embarrassing. Me and mum just turned away.

Other than that it was pretty cool though. I managed to get the mix CD I made on while in the car. Whoo for me :)

We also went to the fish markets. It took us two goes to get there since dad kept missing where to turn *rolls eyes*.

In total, today I went over the ANZAC bridge 5 times. 1st, going to Opera House. 2nd, going the other way on Bridge. 3rd, when dad missed the turn off for the fish markets. 4th, when dad turned around to go the "shortcut" way to the fish markets, and 5th, to finally head home. Fuuuuun day :)

Michael pic to end the blog :)

Signing Off.

Ash xo

From the screen to the computer

Hey guys.

This blog is about awesome vids I find... Which are just the Chaser boys and our favourite duo Hamish & Andy... plus a little something extra :)

Chasers - Channel Ten Ad- This one, very true, and very funny. We can make an exception for MW though :D

Chasers - At Bunnings- This is funny. I might be the only one who thinks so, but I loved it :D

Chasers - Where's Wally?- This is great :) Wally has been found :P
Hamish and Andy - Crying- This is a cla$$ic. Funny as.

Hamish and Andy - The Gangaroos- :D I would so join this gang :P

Hamish and Andy - Mother's Day - A personal fav. It does have Michael Weatherly in it :lol:

Since we're on the topic of Michael Weatherly... this has to be the funniest thing:
Rove - Michael Weatherly mother imitation

Now, you don't have to watch them all *cough*, but they are some suggestions if you're in the mood to laugh :lol:


Signing Off.

Ash xo

promises promises


Well excuse me if this blog doesn't quite make sense cause it is midnight right.... about... NOW!

Morning peeps!

First on the agenda... nothing really. I just wanted to do a blog...

Well, there is the fact that a friend of mine had a birthday party on the weekend and failed to invite me. I found out by A. my BF asking me if I was invited and 2. seeing the pics of the party on myspace. Not cool. Oh well, another one of my close friends wasn't there either, but I'm pretty sure she was invited :(

On a brighter note :) NCIS season 5 previews... kinda... have started showing here! They are mixed in with a ten add about it's drama shows. All it says basically is "all new NCIS" and shows a pic, but that is enough to get me happy :D Can't be long now...

I have just started "Eclipse", the third book in the Twilight series. I read New Moon 1 day faster than Twilight (it took me 2 days, and it had about 100 more pages) and I have just started on Eclipse. Maybe I'll be done by the end of the week.

If you think that's sad, you haven't heard of the time I read Dan Brown's book Digital Fortress in an arvo. Now THAT is sad. But such a great book...

Hey Hey! Guess what I found guys! Michael Weatherly NCIS seaosn 4 photo shoot pics! Here is your dose I promised to people!

Cheeky devil :twisted:

You lookin' at me? You know I'm lookin' at you!

Ooh, look who's showing a bit of skin ;) ;)

There is your dose. There are PLENTY more pics though. I think I have enough to last a couple more blogs :D

Signing Off.

Ash xo

nothing more fun than an irritated grizzly bear

I have come to a conclusion. The author of Twilight - Stephenie Meyer - is evil.

Not only does she write a fantasticlly gripping book which I read in 2 days flat, but she included the first chapter of the next book in the back. Of course I had to read that. I am hooked onto these books. I seriously need to go buy the next 2 now.

Twilight - fantastic. amazing. brilliant.


Whoo, good news now. The new Numb3rs will be showing soon! 'Bout time too.


This is how bored I am....



Signing Off

Ash xo

hip hop hebrew *EDIT: sister quiz*

I am now level 11, Red Shirted Lt.!


Today I bought 'Chasing Liberty' and I love it. Not only do the two agents in it remind me of the Tony/Kate relationship, but it has Mark Harmon in it. Awesomeness!


Today, I also saw 27 Dresses at the movies. One word: fantastic!

Katherine Heigl is PERFECT for the role. I love it so much! But I am one of those "fee-good" movies types :lol:

I recomend it to everyone! You won't regret it, unless you aren't a romantic, feel-good movies type :D


I also bought 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer today. I've heard rave reviews about it from a variety of sources, so I thought I'd give it a go :D


You and Your Sister A wonderful quiz that Jane (sweet_jane) did for her sister, and I decided to do it for mine, if that's ok :D

Are you a big sis or a little sis?

What is your sisters name?

What is the pet name you call her?

How old is she?

What is your fondest memory of each other?
Too many to choose from.

What is the worst memory of each other?
Whenever she is in one of those crazy moods

Did you attend the same school ever?

If so, did she act like she knew you, or did she ignore you?
Ignored me most of the time :D Think I embarrassed her though (go figure)

Her Favourites

Colour: Pink

Number: :? Don't think she has one

Singer: Gwen Stefani :)

Song: Too many :D

Food: haha, too many :P

Activity: Cooking, crafts

Drink: Coke!

Phrase: Shut up Ashleigh ( :) )

Did You Ever

Seems like everyday :) Our relationship isa love/hate one.

Laugh together?
YES! Alot of the time.

Cry together?
Only if one of us hurts the other. Doesn't happen very often though.

Get on each others nerves?
For sure!

Play together?
Yeah.I remember playing barbies with her :D

Call each other names?
Yeah, sometimes. If we're in an extra mean mood.

Terrorize the neighborhood together?
No. Not very fun... Our neighbours would hurt us :D

Console one another?
She doesn't need to be consoled much...

Have You Ever Been

Mad at her?

Happy for her?
Yes :D

Proud of her?
Yes :lol:

Jealous of her?

Surprised at her?
Not really...

Do You Think She Is

In her own, special way, yes.

ehh, I don't wanna sound mean or anything... :D

If she wants to be :P

AHAHA, yes! Well, not ALL the time...

Uh hu *nods*

... ehh.

Yes, for sure!

Would You

Risk your life for her?
Of course I would.

Take care of her if she needed you?

Stand up for her?
Most defiently

Trust her with your life?
Ehh, I dunno bout that one... :D

Do You

Ever wish she were different?
No, well, I do wish she wasn't so... nah, never mind :)

Ever wish you had been different?
Unfortunately, yes

Love her?
Yeah. She my baby sis :)

Care about her?

Tell her this enough?
Unfortunately not.

Feel like talking to her now that the quiz is over
She asleep :) Tomorrow, promise :D


Sorry but the Michael Weatherly section is currently unavailable due to me running out of decent pics :)

Instead I shall put an Eric Szmanda pic since I recently came into alot of them ;)

P.S The title is a quote from Chasing Liberty.

Signing Off

Ash xo

wiiiiii *EDIT*


Today I went over my friends house, for like, th whole day, and all we did was play Wii :D It is so unbelievable fun :D

First, we played her game with sports, that was alright. She kicked my but though :P In my defence, I had never played it before.

Then we played just all different game ones. She kicked my butt on some, I kicked hers on others. It all seemed fair :P

Then we ran out of games, so we went to the video store, and rented a Mario olympics games, and a Sims 2 Castaway game for Wii. We played the Mario one first, and that was fun. I was Peach :D :D

Then we played the Sims 2 one, and it was so fun :D We love the Sims, my friends and I. And we just palyed that until it was time for me to come home :D

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my day.


A Quiz, stolen off Ashley (LOSTismylife) :D


All About Me Survey

1. name: Ashleigh
2. nicknames: Ash (by my internet friends :) )
3. gender: Female
4. birthday: in May
5. age: 14
6. star sign: Taurus
7. place of birth: Somewhere in Australia
8. current residence:Somewhere in Australia :P
9. hair color: Brown
10. eye color: Hazel
11. height: 5'8"
12. writing hand: Right

13. do you bite your nails: Nah. Don't know what's under them :)
14. can you roll your tongue: Kinda.
15. can you do a cartwheel: haha, nope.
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: no...
17. can you blow smoke rings: sorry, I don't smoke.
18. can you blow spit bubbles: :D Kinda. It's not like I tried or anything :|
19. can you cross your eyes: yes. feels weird :P
21. tattoos and where: nada
22. piercings and where: one in each ear
23. do you make your bed daily: only when I want to sit on it with the laptop :P
24. do you sleep with clothes on: ... yes.
25. which shoe goes on first: generally my right. How do I know that?
26. fave type of shoes: chucks. Then thongs.
27. where do you keep your clothes: cupboard, draws and floor :D
28. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone? yes, AND I've had one thrown at me. We're not getting into that though.
31. you got a job: yeah, to clean the house *rolls eyes*

33. do you like someone/why do you like them: No i do not :)
34. are you taken by someone: No
35. who: ^^
36. what is the date you two began going out on: ^^
37. what is love: undying commitment and attention.
38. are you willing to try the 'other side': ... no way.

039. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: twirl :D
040. how many cereals are in your cabinet: 3 :) Rice Bubbles, Weet Bix and Corn Flakes :D
041. what utensils do you use eating pizza: Ma hands :D

042. how often do you brush your teeth: Everyday, twice a day.
043. how often do you shower/bathe: Everyday.
044. how long do these showers last?: anywhere between 10 minutes to half and hour.
046. do you curse: only under my breathe :D
047. do you mumble to yourself: ^^ :D
048. do you spit in public: No.
049. do you pee in the shower: Ugh, no.
050. in the cd player: New Found Glory.
051. person you talk most on the phone with: Uhh,I don't know. I text friends :D

052. what color is your bedroom: Yellow and white.
053. do you use an alarm clock: yeah, but it's not like I actually USE it.
054. name one thing you're obsessed with?: NCIS
055. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no
056. ever sunbathed in the nude: No
057. window seat or aisle: window
058. what's your sleeping position: on my side
059. what kind of bed do you like: I like a big one, like a double, queen or king. All to myself :D
060. in hot weather do you use a blanket: yes.
061. do you snore: no
062. do you sleepwalk: not really, but I've been known to.
063. do you talk in your sleep: no
064. how about the light on: No
065. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: I can fall asleep with either on, but mainly it's the ipod :D

066. were in love: Neva!
067. kissed someone: ... can't remember
068. watched the discovery channel: haha, looong time ago.
069. cried: idk.
070. talked on the phone: yesterday
071. read a book: the other day
072. hit someone: today

073. where do you see yourself ten years from now: hopefully with a job :D
075. how many babies do you want to have: 2
076. your profession: No idea

077. sport: tennis
078. color: green and yellow
079. instrument: piano and a bit of guitar
080. band: Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, Matchbox Twenty
081. month: May and October
082. store: Cotton On and JB Hi-Fi
083. drink: Ice Tea Peach
084. place: movies with friends, in my room.

What's the time: 7:54pm
what's the date: 7th January 2008
what's the day: Monday
light or dark out: light
do you own more than 5 tv sets: I do have 5
do you own a toaster: Yeah
do you own a house with 2 floors: yea
what are you wearing?: shorts and shirt w/ socks :D


EDIT: My deepest apologies everyone! I seriously can't believe I forgot the MW picture!Here it is:

Hoping everyone had a great day!

Signing off.

Ash xo

super psyched!

OMGSH, I went on myspace, and Neil accepted me!!!


Yes, my amazing, husband in my dreams Neil!


And guess who is my number one friend now??? That's right, NEIL!

Anyone who is interested in becoming FRIENDS with him, it's

I'm super excited, and it's really him :D :D

Is commenting onhis page too desperate? Just something like a "Hey Neil, I love your dancing. Thanks for accepting me, you're awesome"
Is that too much? I need to know before any of the other little clingy girls steal him away!

Oh, and Suze, feel free to discuss I Am Legend in the comments :P


OMGSH, Neil accepted me!

I'm not getting over this for a while :lol:

Super duper excited Ash, signing off!

EDIT: Suze wanted to know the link to my NCIS fanfic I'm working on. Well, here it is. People seem to like it, so it can't be too bad :P

New Beginnings
It's mainly a Tonycentric one, and it will be Tate soon :)



So today was boring. All I did was wake up, go on the computer. Check on all the sites, read the reviews for my story (they made me happy), go read some fanfic, back on the forums. Watched some Numb3rs since if I go for too long without it, I start connecting it to everything. It's confusing.

So I've had my Numb3rs deprivation cured, for the time being.

I ate, walked around the house a bit. Read some blogs. The usual.

I really do need to go shopping though, and get text books for school, since I didn't order them through the school.

Since there is nothing to talk about, I'll do a survey!

Survey - "borrowed" from Ashley (LOSTismylife).

-> ringtone: Misery Buisness - paramore.
-> job: cleaning the house.
-> astrology sign: Taurus

-> is your hair:
-> are your eyes: Hazel
-> are your socks: white.
-> is your shirt: pink/grey/black

-> the closest thing to your left hand: a lollypop stick :)
-> are you thirsty:
-> what are you listening to: Too Good To Be - New Found Glory
-> where are you: my room
-> is the light on: no.

-> cat or dog: aww, I got both.
-> cookies or candy: cookies!
-> kiss or hug: both
-> school or work:
aren't they both the same?
-> shower or bath: shower
-> Cingular or Verizon: :?
-> ps2 or Xbox: PS2
-> whipped cream or cherries: whipped cream

-> animal: anything soft and cuddly
-> drink:
Peach ice tea

-> how many fingers do you have?: hopefuly all of them
->what do you wish you were doing right now:
seeing friends
-> what's the last thing you bought: uuh, I don't know. Too long ago :P
-> are you wearing a belt: no.

-> drink: :o I haven't had a drink today!
-> meal: chips.
-> words you said: lyrics to the song
-> words you typed:
-> place you went: Uhh, downstairs?

What is your current problem?
My head hurts.

What makes you most happy?
friends, michael weatherly, youtube, fanfic, family :P

If you could go back in time, and change something, what would it be?
uuh, nothing.

What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
love and pain

Any celeb you would marry?
here we go: Michael Weatherly, James Roday, Alex O'Loughlin, Eric Szmanda, Paul Rudd, Neil Haskell, Jensen Ackles + alot more.

Name someone with the same birthday as you?
My friends boyfriend, and my friends sister.

ever sang in front of a large audience?
Infront of my friends with singstar :lol:

What do you usually order from Starbucks?
cream blended frapaccino, with cream :)

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
my friends say I look like Lilly Alan, though that's cause I recently gotten a fringe (though it is growing!), and sometime apparently Drew Barrymore.

Do you speak any other languages?
Uhh, Japanese, I can sing a spanish song (though not that hard) and Ashleighish.

What magazines do you read?
Tv Week, Woman's Day (I like it!), Dolly sometimes and sometimes TV Hits.

Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo?

Do you ever watch MTV?
Yes :D I like my reality TV.

That's it :lol:

More Michael fromhis Dark Angel days.

Signing off.

Ash xo