Hey guys, just a quiz today :P
Got this from Ash (LOSTismylife)
12 Month Survey
1. What did you do this last New Year? Just hang with the neighbours
2. Did you have a New Years Resolution? hah, my resolution is not to make a resolution :P
3. Did someone kiss you at midnight? nope. No one likes me :(
4. Do you have a resolution for this year? same as last year.
1. What did you do this past Valentine's day? Just hang at school
2. Did you have a Valentine? If so, who? nope, same answer for question 3.
3. Did that special someone give you anything? Look up up UP
4. What did you give? My love :)
1. Do you wear green on St. Patty's day? Yeps
2. Do you celebrate every year? Not really, but I wear green.
3. If so, how did you celebrate it this last one? If you don't, why not? I just said I don't really celebrate it.
4. Are you happy with the weather in March? Yes. It's just like summer.
1. Do you like the rain in this month? Rain? Depends if we get it.
2. Do you like playing April's fools? Hell yes :P
3. Do you celebrate April 20? For what reason?
4. Does anyone you know celebrate b-days? My mum.
1. Do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo? No...
2. Do you like this month? Likeit? more like LOVE it. Ma b'day :D
3. Finish the phrase.."April showers bring.." me
4. Anything good gonna happen to you this month next year? I am going to turn 15. :D
1. What year did/will you graduate from high school? um... 2010
2. Watch baseball? No.
3. Is there something special about this month? Nah. Just a friend's birthday.
4. What did you do this year on June 1st? ehh, at school? I dunno.
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Nothing special.. why?
2. Was the A/C on all day? Hell no, unless we wanted to freeze to death
3. Did something special happen this month for you? Nope.
4. Did you see fireworks? Nope
1. What did you do your last real month of summer? I dunno, you should have asked me in February!
2. What was your fave summer memory? Hmm... so long ago, maybe going in to pool with friends.
3. Did you go to the pool a lot this summer? I ded go in alotwhen it was summer.
4. What was something absoutley awesome that happened in August? nothin.
1. Did you have to go to school this month?? yesh
2. If so, for what? If not, how long have you been in school before/how long after? For what? I dunno, learning.
3. Whats something that happens annally for you this year? Nothin. September is boring
4. Is fall better than summer? Hmm, yes cause my birthday is in autumn. Oh, but this is spring. I love spring.
1. What did you go for Halloween? Throw things at trick-or-treaters
2. What did go as last year? a homicial manic :|
3. Fave halloween candy? eww, none of it.
4. Anything happen during this month, not related to Halloween? Um, well, holidays was in the first 2 weeks, and I went to a school camp.
1. Whose house do you usually go to for Thanksgiving? No ones, considering we don't celebrate Thankgiving. I don't even know what date it is.
2. What are you thankful for this year? Ehh, Michael Weatherly
3. Whats the first thing you think of when someone says "November"? Movember :D
4. What does your family usually eat for Thanksgiving? a bit a non-existent turkey.
1. Christmas or Hanukkah? Chrissy
2. What do you want this year? A new iPod and michael Weatherly :P
3. Did you get something really awesome last year? shyeah. A MCR big picture.
4. Ever been kissed under the mistletoe? Nopes
Shalom people :D