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Got this from vonkie_1991 who got it from other people.


1. Do you stand up and/or clap at the end of a good movie? No. But some people do. I think they're kinda weIrd.

2. Have you ever cried in a movie theatre? yes, once.

3. What's the funniest thing you've done in a movie theater? hm... not sure. But there have been heaps of funny things with friends.

4. What's some of your favourite snacks to eat at a movie theatre?: Popcorn or chips.

5. Do you sneak in drinks and snacks so you don't have to pay the high prices?: hah. sometimes, but tehy don't really care there :)

6. Last movie you saw in theatres and with whom?: It was Rush Hour 3 with my parents and sister.

7. Where do you usually sit in the theatre (front, back, middle, etc.)?: Everywhere. But normally at the back.

8. What do you do when you're alone in the theatre? I'm not a loner.

9. What's the best and worst movie you saw in theatres?: I don't know. I've seen so many.

10. Have you ever had to sit on the floor because the theatre was too crowded? No. They give out tickets for how many seats there are. It's never TOO crowded.


1. What's your favourite mall store?:JB

2. Favourite eating place at the mall?:Aportos

3. Do you like it better when the mall is dead or more crowded?: Hm... in the middle, but not Thursday nights. It is crowded so bad then FULL of teenagers.

4. Do you stay away from malls during holidays?: no way.

5. Last thing you bought while at the mall?:Shirt.

6. Name all of the malls you've been too.: Well, I guess The one in Penrith, Parramatta, DFO... i dunno.

7. Pick your favourite mall and list your favourite stores in that mall.: I always go to the Penrith one. Tree of Life stinks.

8. Which do you like better; the escalator, elevator or regular steps? Escalator

9. Do you and your friends ever go to the mall just to look at hot guys/girls?: We normally go to the movies there, and end up walking from one end to the other.

10. What's the name of your nearest mall?: Westfields but everyone still calls it the plaza.

~Friend's House~

1. Which of your friend's houses is the biggest?:All their homes are small, but probably Amelias

2. And the smallest?: All of theirs

3. Do you use good manners at a friend's house?: yes

4. If you eat over, do you eat all of the food even if you don't like it?: Yes. I just smile and nod.

5. Do you call your friend's parents "Mrs." and "Mr."?: I try to avoid it by saying 'excuse me'

6. What's the worst thing you ever did at a friend's house?: Got into a fight with my friend.

7. Which of your friend's parents is the best cook?: Amelia's mum.

8. Which of your friends live the closest to you?: Amelia.

9. And which lives the farthest?: Clare

10. Do you like hanging at a friend's house or your house better?: Preferably their house so I'm not responsible for food, drinks or something to do.


1. Which is better; the swings or the slide?: Swings

2. Do you see parks as romantic places to be?: Depends who you go with. I also see them as where annoying little kids go.

3. Don't you hate it when you fall and hit the woodchips?: YES!

4. Have you ever jumped off a swing and broke a bone?:haven't broken a bone, but have hurt myself jumping off the swing.

5. Have you ever climbed on top of the jungle gym?: Yeps.

6. Do you get dizzy from the merry-go-rounds?: yes. how could you not!

7. Which is better; parks with lakes, benches and serenity or parks with swings, slides and noises?: Parks with swing, slides with serenity.

8. Where's the nearest park?: notlong. about 5 mins walk, 2 minutes bike ride.

9. Do you ever go to parks just to sit there and read/write/do homework/etc.?:no.

10. Do you go to parks after it snowed to slide down the slides and stuff?: Kinda hard since it doesn't snow here. Ever.


1. Favorite restaurant?: Pepercorns

2. What do you usually order at it?:Lasagne

3. Do you ever order a bunch of stuff just to take it home and eat later?: No way.

4. Fancy restaurants, diners, or fast food?: diners

5. Don't you hate it when people order hamburgers and stuff at fancy restaurants when they could've just went to McDonald's?: No... I do that.

6. Is a date to a restaurant sound romantic to you?: yeah.

7. Do you order more when you don't have to pay?: No... but I don't pay now so...

8. How much of a tip do you leave?: Don't leave tips here. Thank God for that too.

9. Have you ever gotten horrible service?:Of course

10. Worst restaurant you've been to?: hm... last night, but not naming any names

New quiz

1. What is your name?

2. Do you have any siblings? How many? Their names?
Younger sister - Lauren

3. List your nationalities.
Nataionalities... Aussie.

4. Height?

5. What are your favourite clothing brands?
I have all different brands

6. Would you rather be an alcoholic or a smoker?
... Let's assess this... alcohol can cause brain damage and you don't have control over your own body, and if you lived here and saw the adds for smoking.. you would think twice before lighting it.

7. Can you whistle?

8. What are your phobias?
Cockroaches,public speaking.

9. What is the closest thing to you that's yellow?
The wall. The horrible yellow mum painted it.

10. When was the last time you went to the bathroom?
why do you wanna know?

11. What is your favourite TV show?

12. Who is your best friend?

13. Do you like the person you got this quiz from?
I would say yes but I don't really knwo them too well

14. Do you love the person you got this quiz from?
... ehh... awkward

15. Do you hate the person you got this quiz from?

16. What/who is annoying you right now?
the washing machine. Won't it just shut up!

17. What do you hate about your life?
nothing at the moment

18. How old are you?

19. What is your zodiac sign?

20. Who is your crush?
no crush here

21. What are you wearing right now?
purple shorts and P!ATD shirt. If you read one of the other blog quizzes, you will work out that they are my pjs

22. What was your best subject in school?
hm... Music and Maths. Only cause I'm good in both.

23. What school do you attend?
CCC. Not actually putting what that stands for.

24. How much do you weigh?
??? dunno

25. What is your favourite sport?

26. What do you hate right now?

27. What is your favourite colour?

28. What time is it right now?
hm... 11.13 am

29. Are you superstitious?
Some things I am.

30. When's the last time you've been in a public library?
ooh, a while ago.

31. Who do you miss right now?
Dad. He went to hong kong. But I am getting shirts back :D

32. What song is stuck in your head?
The Will and Grace theme song. That's only instruments too.

33. Have you ever been in a car accident?

34. What piece of jewellery are you wearing right now?
Earing and two rings.

35. What are your feelings towards men's chest hair?
ehh... none and they're a girl, too much and they're a monkey.

36. Is your glass half empty or half full?
half empy. i am very negative

37. What do you hate most about your body?

38. Who has inspired you the most?
I dunno, no one really...

39. Who is the antagonist in your story?
I leant this in English... the lead character... me.

40. Do you own an iPOD?

41. Do you like your name?
It's okay

42. Were you born on time?
I dunno

43. Who has the same birthday as you?
some guy out of Green Day and my friends BF

44. What is your worst subject?

45. What was your favourite childhood TV show?

46. What was the last thing you ate?
can't remember

47. Do you eat midnight snacks?

48. What are you excited for?
school! I'm soooo bored

49. Team Trump or Team O'Donnell?
huh. I'm so out of it.

50. The last question. Sad, isn't it?

51. PSYCH! This is the last question. Who do you think will take this quiz?
hm... dunno. A few people come to mind though...