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the usual

Thanks Lill for the quiz :)

While driving down the road, and looking for an address, do you turn the radio down? No

Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make? I don't have a good imagination

What is your favourite piece of clothing in your closet? My shirt that says - 'Cheer Up Emo Kid :('

If you could quit your job right now, and be anything you wanted, what would it be? Unemployed. They get paid too.

What do you think of when you look at the stars?Can I see Mufassa?

When you add someone into your cell phone, do you use there real name, or there nickname? depend on who it is. Close friends -nick names. Other people - real names

If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be? Don't let Labour win!!!

If you could meet ANY president, dead or not, who would it be? John Howard - to give him the Gibbs slap he deserves.

Why? He should not let labour get this close to winning the election

If you could get rid of the holiday season, would you? hm... no...

Why? Cause it's more time off school

IF you could go to any state, which one would you go to and why? ehh, Well I've been to4 out of 8 (act as it's own state). Probably Tassy.

Would you ever get a personalized license plate? Defiently

If yes, would would it say? ASH093

If you could go back to college, what would you major in? Haven't been yet.

Before you go to sleep at night, what do you think of? Trying to get to sleep.

What is your favourite kind of weather? Sun. Lots of Sun.

Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice? nah.

If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Naked

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? I call him a psyco.