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welcome to my life

Hey guys :)

A very hot start to 2008, but I do come bringing good new. I'm home, so I got unlimited internet again :D :D :D

Also, when I got home, I found that mum had picked up my 2 New Found Glory CDs that were ordered :) It's their covers ones, so I am very happy :)

~~Memories of 2007~~

- Joinging
- My 'crush' on Michael Weatherly starting (will be one year in April :D)
- Getting a bigger group of friends, both online and in the "real" world.
- Buying NCIS on DVD :)
- The stress of exams for year 9
- Getting needles... in the head. This memory won't be leaving me for a while
- An obsession with music and tv starting
- Persistent headaches, not such a good memory.
- Laughter. Lots and lots of laughter with friends.
- Getting my cat :)
- Going to see P!nk
- Seeing Gwen Stefani, with Gym Cla$$ Heroes as a supporting act :D
- Seeing Fall Out Boy, definatly my favourite. With Gyroscope and Jack's Manequin as supporting.
- Michael Weatherly comin' down here for the logies.
- Writing my first fanfic. Granted it wasn't very good :P

There are plenty more memories, but these are the standouts :)

I have come to a realisation. I love guys with the first name Michael. First there was Michael Weatherly. *sigh* Look at those guns :)

Michael Weatherly

Then there's Michael Buble. Oh, he has the voice of an angel. I could listen to him all day... I've actually seen him live at the Opera House. He was awesome then too, and that was when I started loving his music. Mum forced me to go, and here I am, owning all his albums :lol:

Michael Buble

Also, Michael Vartan. *sigh* I love him. Absolutely loooove him. Ever since Never Been Kissed, he's been on my list :)

Michael Vartan

Those are my Michael's. :)

EDIT: Also, I did say I'd put up my Vampire Tony icons. For Suze :P

Vampire Tony

Have a great... life...

Signing Off.

Ash xo.