My NUMBER ONE argument is this; Spongebob is NOT gay There is no POSSIBLE way. Stephen Hillenburg said he is Asexual. That means you can reproduce with/without a mate. Which means, basically, neither sex.
My NUMBER TWO argument is this; Spongebob has a crush on his squirrel friend, Sandy. This is not my personal opinion; it is fact. I have TONS of material evidence to back me up on that.
FOR INSTANCE...In the Spongebob Squarepants survival guide by Spongebob Story writer, David Lewman, page 58, "How to survive a secret Crush"Spongebob says many things, before he slips up saying that he has a crush on Sandy.
Now since I've never seen this, I'm not going to say it's actual material proof. But I've HEARD that on the season 1 DVD set, Stephen Hillenburg actually confirms that he has a crush on her.
Take another instance; Spongebob Squarepants episode "Sandy's Rocket". In the beginning of the episode, he BEGS and BEGS for Sandy to let him come on the rocket to the moon. You know, where they'll be ALONE together for who knows HOW long...but you know, that's just MY opinion ;)
If you really watch the show, you'll see it, too. If you don't believe me, start spouting off reasons that he's gay or doesn't have a crush on her. Trust me, I'll be able to counter ALL of your crazy reasons. Whatever they may be...XD
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