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*MichLovesGreys Blog

You have dirty in your eyes.

OMG. I've converted Helen to Greysology. She bought Season 1 of Grey's yesterday and she loves it! (Maybe not as much as me) but she loves it!!

YAY. Say hello to many welcomed chats of Grey's instead of annoyed sneers, avatars of Grey's Anatomy, the discussion of MerDer, the worried will they or won't they, the reminiscing of nostalgic memories.

Le sigh. Doesn't it feel great? lawl.

Well, that's all I wanted to say...


Just leave me alone.

Just leave me alone. - Mer in the On Call room in the Season 2 finale. Right before they did the McNasty.

If you haven't heard yet, Chyler Leigh whatever the frick her name is, got promoted to a reg. cast member, undoubtly meaning she's going to make trouble for MY MerDer!!!

ARGH. Shonda is killing me. And I have no more faith. My faith is gone. I don't believe everything will be fine, because I am feeling rather angsty this afternoon and I can't.

However many MerDer scenes I watch, I can't reawaken the faith I used to have in them, which is scary. Stupid Derek. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO THINK THAT MER'S HALF SISTER IS HOT? YOU'RE SUCH A DOOF. REALLY. How can a brain surgeon be so brainless? Seriously. Biotch.

Grey's is becoming less Grey's-ish and becoming a show where character assasination happens and where all the devoted audience gets is a contrived finale. Why?

Where did my MerDer go?

Does "She's worth the effort" mean only when there's no skanky sister by the side?

Will there be no more punch outs on the surgical wing now? Will there be no more on call room sex? Will Derek no longer ask Mer to have some faith in him? Will there be no more elevator love?

Will they survive?

I'm going to wallow in my own self pity now.

So we're kissing but we're not dating?

2 more freakin' days till school's over for 2 weeks!

Woot. I can't wait till school ends.:D I need the time. Even though time is an endless cycle, a dimension where events occur in sequence, a fundemental structure of the universe, blah blah blah... I don't seem to have enough time for the things I want to accomplish these days. School's in the way. :P

My mum went to the parent interview today. I got A's for all of my subjects, even phys ed, surprisingly, so now I'm getting $50. Hee. Moolah. That made my day since today's been sorta sh!t.

Has anyone here read The Veleteen Rabbit before? It's a really old book for children aged 5-8. Yeah, a little out of my demographic but there's alot of meaning in that book for a children's one. I mean, all I expected was ducks swimming in ponds... and rabbits hopping to a castle or whatnot. Here's a quote that I've been giving everyone. :D "Once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." Very true, wise Skinhorse.;)

There's this guy called Peter in my cl@ass who can be annoying as hell. Today, he was annoying. He's really two different people, when he's with his friends or at school, he's a d!ck, but outside school, he's actually nice and civil. Why does he have to be such a d!ck just to compensate for the one he hasn't got?!? Stupid b!atch. I mean, him and his friend teased my best friend, Helen. Andrew (Peter's friend) called her "baldie" and some other cr@p. Can't wait till he gets male pattern baldness. Tw@t.

Erm, rant over.


I've been in love with you.. for.. ever...

Frack. I haven't updated in.. a week.


My 'rents bought a cream leather couch last week. They didn't consult with me. Or tell me. It was apparently a "suprise". One day, I came home from school and my living room smelt like leather. Then I saw a new couch. That smell lasted for around 5 days.. Ick. But y'know, atleast couches aren't made from.. dog crap.

Life has been mediocre and just so repetitive. I'm waiting for something to happen. A sign maybe, to tell me that my life will be different soon. Seriously. High school sucks. It's not the work or the teachers, it's the little things. It just goes on and on and on. I think I've been watching too much of my Grey's dvds, it's like morphing me into some glass half empty, whiny girl.

Speaking of Grey's, Junaberry found a really good Patrick Dempsey look a like which she posted on her blog, but I have to post it on mine too since he really is hawttt.

Freakishly good looking, french actor and younger version of Patrick Dempsey, no? When you stare at the picture for an extended period of time, he won't look like Patrick at all but when you first glance at him, he looks like a younger version. The second picture does him more justice, I believe. Cool, huh? Too bad he doesn't have The Hair. Or the realllly broad shoulders. Hah.

You know, I think I've been taking broadband for granted. Since my 'net is shaped and I went over last month (which is weird because I've really only been surfing Damn you features that makes the page load ridiculously slow!!) my internet went down to 64k, it was like I had dial up again. It really did suck. So yes, broadband, oh you. I love you dearly. Please don't get shaped again.

A note for mwah.
Deodorant (No, I don't smell. I'm running out.)
A compass (To poke your eye out, of course.)
A new pencil case.
Tis' all.


Save the cheerleader, Save the world..

I haven't posted here in ages. Well, I'm kinda depressed, the Grey's season finale was just. that. sad. So I've been sulvaging myself in lots and lots of Grey's fanfic. And MerDer videos on YouTube. Damn, I'm obsessed.

A flame has been ignited. Yes, like Junaberry, I am liking Mark the Manwhore. You see, MtM is just so friggin chisseled and... those eyes! Not as knee wobbly worth as McDreamy but he makes a passable grade. Blanked out the part where Addie was straddling MtM, all those avatars people have made of that scene is killing me. Some People are so porny.

Actually, many people are porny. The boys in my grade (Luke & Peter specifically) have been asking eachother if they would watch if one of us girls if we were stripping. o.O. I understand that they are hormonal 14 year old boys with penises, but please.

Mean Girls is on tonight, one of my favourite trash bag, teenage whore movies of all time. It's a clas*ic. Even though Lindsay Lohan is such a hoe now, her appearance on it doesn't tarnish the movie. Well maybe a little bit. Oh firecrotch, you. She was such a cutie pie in the Parent Trap (A movie I have watched atleast 50 times, and now.. She's just.. a DUI-ing, girl who is wasting her fame by doing stupid sh*t.) If I was as famous as her, I would atleast try to make a difference. Donate to charity, visit hospitals and third world countries to promote what's happening in the world that's not being noticed. All she's doing is giving boys syphillis.

Oh yeah, some people are so seriously happy. It's like shut up! Stop spreading your happiness and keep it to yourself! It's infesting the world... like COOTIES! God, sometimes I really do feel like Meredith Grey. Now, all I need is a McDreamy.. HAH. As if.

Well a girl can dream..


Well I decided to blog at Tv.Com finally but I already have an LJ so I'm gonna put my blogs on both. :D

Ooh.. TV.Com has emoticons..

Er, sorry for that distraction. But yes, I'm going to put my blogs on here as well. If you look above there will be a blog I put on LJ two days ago, so I guess you could call it a hammy down or a second hand blog, but nonetheless, an awesome blog. Dangit, I've been starting to say awesome too much because of How I Met Your Mother.

I just finished making the banner above so I hope y'all like it, because it's hot.

Uh, well, I'll see you laterrr. 8)