Okay, I'll make this one short since my last post was kind of lengthy (okay, a bit of an understatement), but in terms of programming, what exactly does The-N think it's doing???
Is it just me, or has The-N opted for an awkward melange of middle-of-the-road programming and overly intense programming? Now, I'm not dissing Degrassi here. Degrassi is a nifty little show if you're into the whole in-your-face teen melodrama genre, but it seems odd how The-N has juxtaposed this with the bland flavor of such shows as South of Nowhere and Summerland (is this like OC meets One Tree Hill meets Everwood meets x,y,z other show that is basically the same thing?) Didn't Summerland come from the WB or something?? I thought it looked familiar....
Meanwhile, The-N has it in for Radio Free Roscoe, which has been subjected to a near-extinct level of syndication on the network; it airs only a few times per week and at ungodly hours in the morning at that...so either The-N doesn't have any consideration for the regular sleeping habits of RFR fans, or they figure that RFR fans will forget about the show to the same extent that their network has....either way, they are wrong.
It is unfortunate, but in my opinion, the only programs of interest on The-N anymore are O'Grady and the occasional Degrassi. Although, I am beginning to think that The-N has successfully milked the Degrassi cow for all it's worth at this point. Even if there is still another season to be aired before the primary cast members are all graduated, it feels as if the show has been so over-promoted and over-played that it has lost some of it's original kick.
What is happening with Degrassi seems sort of like what happens with daytime soap operas. Take NBC's daytime soap "Passions" for example. I was a big fan of this one from the start when it debuted on NBC's daytime lineup in 1999. However, within a few short years the show quickly became so tiring and involved (not to mention victimized by the replacement of key actors/actresses), that it began to lose its charm and appeal. While seven years ago I would have seriously fretted about missing an episode while I was at school, these days I don't even keep up with it. The characters and the storylines are pretty much played out, and it's current state dulls in comparison to what it was.
Degrassi hasn't necessarily dulled in plotlines, but in it's overall status as a significantly dominant presence on the network, it has become too comfortable with its reputation it seems.
I find the speculation about The-N nixing Radio Free Roscoe because of "image" or prerogative conflicts to be extremely interesting. Would The-N really make it a priority to cut programming that actually set out to convey to teens important messages about self-expression and independence? And would The-N really cut a show that accomplished this in a totally innovative, inspiring, and trendsetting way?? Could be. I'd hope that The-N wasn't that stupid, but it could be...
I myself, not having spent much time on RFR fan forums, am not entirely clear on The-N's motives or reasons for cutting the show, but if it was an image issue then I think The-N is trying to go for the exact opposite of what I originally thought it stood for...I used to consider Radio Free Roscoe to be The-N's best-kept secret, its own little gem of sorts, a beacon of the network's true mission. It wasn't mainstream, but it didn't need to be because its whole message was about exploring things that weren't mainstream, and that was part of what made it so unique and appealing. Was RFR just too different for The-N??
So I have to ask The-N, what has happened to its backing of shows such as RFR and shows like that neat summer series "Out There" from a few years back?....Where are the people who enjoyed this type of programming supposed to turn now? I thought The-N was all about providing an alternative to the mainstream/run-of-the-mill programming of the major networks. But it seems like it's time for an alternative to this "alternative" as well.... I just want to know what "image" The-N thinks it should be promoting, because I certainly can't tell these days.
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