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*MissJaneNY Blog

OMG! I've been tagged!

OMG!! I've been tagged, so I have to post my first blog listing 10 things about myself and tag 5 other people.

1. I'm currently learn Japanese and am planning to learn German and French after it.

2.I'm obessesed with anime!

3.People descibe me as funny, smart, hyper, crazy, annoying, and obsessive.

4.I love Harry Potter!

5.I love Deltora Quest!

6.I'm sorta a geek when it comes to school.

7.Half my life takes place on the computer. (I stay up till like 3 a.m.)

8.For some reason, head/ear phones break whenever they come into my possesion.

9I have two siblings.

10.I love to write/think of many ideas.

Now that I'm done...Guess who's it?

I'm tagging the following...

2Much2giv, ben10toyfan, warnerbroman, SalKing2, and mgkchan.