I figured, since I constantly complain about school, maybe I should write some good things about it. Yeah, OK, I really just want 50 blog posts... you caught me. :P
LISTENING: Burning For You - BOC
THINKING: about homework
FEELING: tired... glad it's Friday.
1. Study. I got a doctor's note at my appt yesterday, so I can't do gym for a week... which means I have a study at least once a day, sometimes twice. SCORE.
2. The Library. Kinda goes with Study.... but not necessarily. It's a nice mix of modern/ classic... nice upper stury with just walls of books and a balcony, and the downsstairs chairs and tables are all kinda victorian-looking... all worn wood and curlicues. But then you get these new metal detectors and spiffy comps. There're all these side areas in the bookshelves... easy to get lost. In a totally awesome way.
3. Plus, the librarian loves me cuz she had me for 2 years two years ago, and I volunteered at the lib practicalyl every day, so I could skip all my classes and spend them in there and she wouldn't tell. Yesssssss.
4. Classes. For some reason... I like all my classes this year. I can tell Algebra's gonna be an easy A.... just time consuming.
5. The people. I've been chilling with Natty more and more... we have a lot of the same classes, and we're both exasperated with how easy Algebra is.
6. The policies. WONDERFUL. Basically... you can do what you want, within reason, but just know that you're screwing over your GPA. If it's an easy class... most of us have our iPods in or whatever. No penalties from most teachers.
I'm sure there're more things, but... I'm tired, and dinner is approaching. Yum.
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