What I've Been Watching/Playing etc.
by *Mitsarugii on Comments
I have recently bought Samurai Jack Season 2 and 4. They didn't have 3 so that sucked! I haven't watched any of Season 4 and won't till I have season 3. I really hope theirs a feature film for it! My bro also got Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1, We have only watched one disc, but it was awesome! can't wait to watch more. And of course i've been watching The Batman every oppurtunity I get. and of course, the best Anime EVER! DBZ! My bro has yet to get Season 3 though, He has 1-2, We got addicted to 'em and just watched them all night. been playing ALOT of Guitar Hero. and listening to metal music of course! =) Gojira, Mastodon, Impending Doom, etc, some good music I tell you what! welp, I guess this is it for now. catch y'all laters!
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