Title is pretty self explanitory. Just a convorsation me and my best friend Lauren got into at a party this past friday.
1. I talk like a boy...
Even other girls have told me this. It's not my fault I spent my self defining stages of high school surround by only a few good girl friends and MULTIPLE guy friends... I liked chilling with boys better, and I was a skater punk, so what do you expect?
2. The way that I dress...
This again goes backl to the fact that I was a punk skater in high school. Super short blonde, black and multi colored hair paired with converse, or skate shoes, jeans and a tee shirt was how I rolled. For the most part, its how I STILL roll, but now I do dress up and wear heels and nice clothes when I go out downtown or out with my friends...I was tired of being the only one of my friends that dressed like a dude anymore. Still though, I maybe really only dress up like, 8 times a year... Not much.
3. My attitude...
Yeah, I've got one of those too. Must be because of my heritage (I'm a full blooded irish woman) I was just talking to YoruichiMeow about this the other day...I am generally one of the nicest, chillest people you'll ever meet...Unless you screw with me. I'm warning you, I've got a nasty temper...I played Lacrosse for 3 years in high school to help get my aggression out. Now a days I'm much more calm... most of the time. If you want to see that side of me, screw me over or mess with one of my friends... You'll be sorry I swear.
4. My tattoos in general...
Yeah, I'm one of those girls. We're not talking taboo "girl" tattoos. Not lower back stuff and foot tattoos. We're talking about a girl whose got no problem sitting in a chair for 6 hours straight. I love my tattoos, and I dont care if you think girls should have them or not. I'm half sleeved on my right arm and working on my design for my half sleeve on the left. I have two others on the inside of my wrists and a back piece started. See why I love Renji so much? Lol... I think while a lot of people like girls with tattoos, I think most societies still accept it the most from boy/men...boo!
5. I'm HORRIBLY lacking in the ability to flirt...
This is actually the things that got Lauren and I started on this conversation in the first place. While at this party friday, this cute guy James, was totally "diggin my chili", as my friends and I like to call it. Anyway, I've got a boyfriend, but I'm not gonna tell some cute guy to stop saying nice things to me, ya know? Anyway, at one point he says "You have really beautiful eyes, seriously, they're stunning...". Nice, right? Well this is how I responded, "Hey thanks dude!" and then punched him on the arm. WTF? I've never been good at flirting in general, but that was just the epitome of how horrible I am at it...
6. My love of Beer...
I LOVE BEER! Not to sound like some kind of partying lush. I got all of my binge drinking out in high school, and now really only drink on the weekends, if I dont have to work early the next day. I'm not a fan of cocktails, and I drink them vary rarely, but man, I love my beer. Not crappy coors light, or any mass produced draft. MICROBREWS. Yeah, I'm not your typical girl when It comes to the drink. I love to try new beers, and usually do try atleast one new one a week. Ales, Porters, Wheats, Lagers, Bocks and Stouts, I love them all, and theres probably not a single one that I wouldnt try... I'm gonna go get myself a Fat Tire right now....
7. Last but not least, my sport and movie choices
We'll start with movies. I'm a hopeless romantic, I'll say that, but I HATE chick flicks for the most part. I would rather watch "Halloween" or "Kill Bill" over "Pretty Woman", any day. Not to say that chick flicks are bad... They just arent that great in my opinion. As for sports, I love Lacrosse, Rugby, Hockey and UFC fighting. Like I said, helps with the aggression I sometimes keep bottled up. I enjoy, I guess...Violent sports? More than most girls. Dont get me wrong, I also ride horses competitively, and so that's one of my favorite sports to COMPETE in, besides Lacrosse. As far as watching goes though, I wanna be able to yell at the TV and not look like a weirdo for doing so...
There are reasons that I enjoy being a girl though, and here they are.
1. I love Shoes...Like, seriously.Ireally do LOVE shopping for shoes, and heels of any kind.
2. When I do dress up, I like looking pretty. I also enjoy makeup when I feel like putting it on.
3. I LOVE BOYS! Especially boys with tattoos.
4. I love my long hair
5. For the most part, I love having boobs.
6. I'm much more open about most things than I think most guys feel comfortable being. I think most girls are this way.
7. As much as I hate chick flicks, I LOVE romantic or fantastical books, and poetry in general. I love Austen, Rowling, Frost, Kipling and Meyer, cant help that part of being a girl:)
So I think thats the end of my rant for the night. Love all!