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The DNC is in my town.....and I'm going crazy!

Well, as some of you may know, I've live in the BEAUTIFUL state of Colorado, and, as some of you also know, I work in a hotel smack dab in the middle of Denver.

I know ALL of you know that the Democratic National Convention is in my town, which is SWEET for me, seeing as I am a democrat. The downside to it though, is indeed my job....Well, maybe I've phrased that wrong. I LOVE the fact that the DNC is in Denver, it's absolutely fantastic. I have several friends (myself included) that are very involved with this upcoming election. Both on the Democratic, and Republican sides (thogh mainly democrat...but thats not the point). Anyway, I'm just going to vent a bit. Both the good things...and the bad things about working somewhere to closely tied into the convention.

The Bad...I'm gonna start with this, just to get it over with...

Early Check-Ins:

For anyone that reads that ever stays at a hotel during a busy week or some kind of convention, listen to my words of wisdom. Lokk, we, at the hotel, know that you dont have a choice as to when your flight gets in, and we know that you probably just want to go to your room as soon as you get to the hotel. Here's the things about that...Most hotels check in time isnt even until around 2 or 3pm, so it's okay if you show up early, but for the love of god, dont yell at the people at the front desk because they dont have any rooms available. House keeping doesnt just live in the basement at night, waiting for people to leave so that they can clean rooms at any hour. Please, have more sense and consideration that that!

Drunk People:

Now dont get me wrong, I love my liquor...Well, that made me sound like a bit of a lush, but when I'm free I'm more than down to get a drink with all of my friends, and barbeque and play some frisbee golf. Dont come back from a party, absolutely WASTED, and then get pissed when we cut you off after your 13th drink that night. Plus keep in mind, YOURE IN THE MILE HIGH F-ING CITY. Altitude absolutely, yes, ABSOLUTELY, effects how quickly, and how badly you get drunk. You can barely walk on a flat surface, dont play it off like you just barely buzzed...We Coloradans know the look of a trashed out-of-stater faster than you even know!

People I work with...:

I love the people I work with, I really do, so I'll keep this short...Dont ever tell the people you work with, you're political party preference...Or atleast, dont tell them when the convention of your chosen party is in town. You're probably asking, "But why Aly? Arent you proud of your choice?", to which I would respond "Why yes, I certainly am. But being ridiculed and blamed for everyhting any annoying democrat does while staying at my place of work is!kind of a pain, so next time, I shall just keep my mouth shut." Again, this doesnt mean that I am not proud to be a democrat, I really am. I keep myself updted on everything having to do with this upcoming election, but dang it, it is not my fault that some democrats dont tip, and are whiny as hell!

The Good Side:

The people you meet:

You do get to meet a lot of really cool people. We have all of the Delegates from Indiana, Idaho, and Guam staying at our hotel. Along with every democratic party politician from said states. For instance, I met the Mayor of Gary Indiana today, and I got a autographed picture of him and Barack Obama today. SWEET!

The Info:

You get constant feed of anything going on at the convention. So you stay very updated,a nd get to watch all of the speeches, so you dont miss a thing!

The Merch:

Lots of cool things (if your a democrat anyway) Obama shirts, stickers, buttons, food, DNC merch in general. It's pretty cool!

The overtime:

I'll be a rich woman for atleast a week after I get paid....Shopping spree for me!

So that's that. Hope you didnt mind my raving blog.