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Things That Entertain Me and Things That Should Entertain Me, But Dont.

So the other day, I was sitting on my computer, as I often do at work, with nothing to work on. I was trying to figure out what I could do to keep myself mentally engaged enough that my brain didnt feel like it would atrophy before I got to go home. Anyway, then I started to think about things that keep me entertained and keep me busy, and things that just upset me and make me angry, because, they should be entertaining, but honestly aren't. This is the list I came up with. WARNING:May contain some spoilers for Bleach and Heroes.

Things that Should Entertain me, but tend to just make me mad...

1. Bleach Anime (at current)

Yeah, I know you're all thinking, "But Miyako! You love Bleach! You're only ever on the Bleach forums. Arent you unnaturally obsessed with Renji!?". Well the answer is yes, I do love Bleach. Yes, I only really ever post on the Bleach Forums, and, yes, I'm in love with an animated character. BUT, what I hate about Bleach right now, is this horrid, aggrivating filler arc! GAH! It makes me want to punch myself in the face, because that would be less painful than watching this!!! In all seriousness though, this is how I came to this conclusion the other day. So, I decided to check up on the thread in the Bleach forums last week, titled "Official Episode Discission. Spoilers up to current episodes in Japan." , or somrthing like that. Well, I decided to do this because I had stopped watching the anime a while ago, due to that fact that I had the manga, and really had no interest in watching a new filler arc, so I figured I would just start watching the anime again when it picks back up in Hueco Mundo. So whilst on the thread, I read that Amagai has gone bad, and out of curiosity, decided to watch a few of the most recent episodes (186-188). Well let me tell you...Man was I dissappointed! I love Bleach, LOVE IT! As such, it is very hard for me to say that it doesnt make me happy. This filler is awful. The story line is lacking, I really feel no attachment to any of the new characters, and the whole "OH MY GOD! A captain has gone bad!" Thing is kinda old, but only in this instance. You know why? It's because no matter how anyone defects from SS from now on, they're never going to be as evil (or as cool) as Aizen, Tousen and Gin. Stupid Amagai cant even compare. I was just so dissapointed while watching it. I didnt really mind the Bount arc that much, but his one makes me want to pull my hair out...ugh.

2. Law and Order:SVU

I love L&O SVU. Really, I do, but I think it's loosing its steam. I mean, there are only so many crimes that you can rearrange different ways for so many episodes, and I find myself being able to guess who did it within the first 15-20 minutes... Which makes me sad, because I love Elliot, Olivia, Munch and Tutuola.

3. Blue Collar Comedy

Its supposed to be hilarious....It really just makes me mad. It also makes me hate red necks more than I already do.

4. Political Commercials

Considering I work with The Young Voter Project, Colorado Democrats and the Obama Campaign, you would think I wouldnt mind. They Drive me crazy! Maybe its because I'm already very sure of my views, and dont need anyone trying to convince me other wise. I really think that its because they are able to twist and turn things to sound so negative, no matter what party you're in. It seems like they're all full of lies. Growl.

Things that Entertain me!

1. Heroes!

I love Heroes. The premire this last week was everything I wanted and more! I cant wait to see what happens this next monday! What consequences will Suresh's "Experiment" have on his body? Will Nikki remember about her former life and her son Micah? Does the man that has picked Parkman up in Africa have the same talent Issac had, to paint the future? What will happen with Peter being trapped inside of villan Jesse's body? What will happen with Claire and her family? What the hell is going on with Sylar and Mrs. Peterelli!? Ah, I love it!

2. The Fringe

I didnt know if I would like this show from the commercials. My dad saw the premire, and since we're big x-files fans, told me I should watch it. I decided to watch the encore presentation of the series premire on the following sunday. I loved it! I really hated Joshua Jackson (back in the Dawsons Creek days), and never really had much interest in him as an actor, but I think he does a pretty great job playing the sarcastic son of a crazed scientist. John Noble (Denethor in LOTR: Return of the King, for fellow geeks out there) is absolutely BRILLIANT as Walter Bishop, the semi crazed fringe scientist. Ah, its great...Not as great as X-Files, but still, a good filler.

3. Bleach Manga

I love it. Ahhhhh Bleach, you light up my life! Plus in the absence of the anime this is all I really have to keep me going, lol.

4. Snickers

The new snickers commercials with the Viking, Roman, Pilgrim, Hawaiian guy, and the dude that looks like King Henry the XIII, crack me up. Especially the one where they sing "Greensleeves". Hilarious.

5. Bo Burnham

My sister had me watch this kid on YouTube about 8 months ago. He's since become very popular. He never fails to entertain me. He's a 15 year old, that has to be one of the smartest, funniest kids on the internet. I recommend "Bo Fo' Sho" and "3.14 Apple Pi". Check him out, here:

6. Flight of the Conchords

This show on HBO is one of the best sitcoms I've ever seen. Its almost as good as "Arrested Development", and better than "It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia". People, go rent or buy this show, its super! Its about, "New Zealand's fourth most popular digi-folk paradists". Two men (Gemaine and Bret), come to America to try and make their band the next big thing. Its so great! Check out all of the first season here:

7. Robot Chicken

Pretty much speaks for itself, doesnt it!

Anyway, What entertains you? And what dissappoints you?