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*MomentInSubtext Blog

There are only so many times you can hear Avenue Q before it infects your brain

Yeah, so, I'm sitting here, listening to my pretty Avenue Q CD, and what song should come on just when it gets stuck in repeat mode? "The Internet Is For Porn". Yeah. And, as it turns out, there are only so many times you can hear that before you go off in search of said porn. And then LJ blocks all the good stories because you're not 18 yet. And you've read all the 10/Jack porn on Teaspoon.


It's almost enough to make me miss school.

All roads lead to. . .

. . .Torchwood, apparently.

But I'll get into that in a second.

Today, I finally got around to watching the first four episodes of the new season of Robin Hood. It is excellent, as I expected it to be. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Thoughout the first episode ("Sister Hood") I was picking up all sorts of strangly creepy incest vibes from the Sheriff and his sister. I say "Strangly creepy" because incest does not bother me. Has never bothered me. And I don't know why it bothers me now, because (in an evil villainish way) both the Sheriff and his sister are rather attractive people. In other news, when the sister died, I shed a little tear. She could have been a great villain. Alas! *dramatic pose* And I loved how she kept calling Robin "pretty boy". My thoughts exactly. (And they had him tied up and everything. Kinky.)

Let's see, episode two ("The Booby and the Beast"). . . eh, not much to say there. I can't remember that much about it. I liked the blind guy, he was rather cool. And after the first couple of minutes, I really warmed up to the german dude. He was rather charming, though I didn't much like Marian when she was with him. And I don't know why, as I quite like the idea of Marian and Robin in an open relationship. Which may have as much to do with my "slash-Robin-with-half-the-male-characters" thing than anything else.

Episode three ("Child Hood") is the episode I was referring to with the Torchwood thing. Because as I'm watching, it's all dramatic, and it's great, it's really, really great. And then, this kid, whose name I can't remember, is talking about one of this friends, whose name I also can't remember. And he says "I let go of his hand". And I missed about three paragraphs of dialogue while being hit with an "Exit Wounds" flashback. F***. Other than that, kid beating the Sheriff upside the head with a two-by-four, A+ from me. Rock on, little dudes. Also, Guy of Gisborne walking around shirtless? Yeah, I'm watching that. What can I say, he IS hot.

In episode four ("The Angel of Death"), I rather liked the interaction between Will and Luke. Especially when Will took the rope back and told him to run. I DIDN'T like the rather evil look on Will's face for over half the episode. He was seriously creeping me out. I was totally cheering when Robin "drank" the poison. Which sounds completely heartless, but it's Robin freaking Hood, there's no way he was gonna die. And I really, REALLY want to kill Alan.

I have tried, unsuccessfully, to watch Bob & Rose online. Guba sucks, and will not load. But I really, really want to see it, and will try again. Otherwise, it's off to the entertainment store for me and my...oh, wait, I'm broke. Nevermind. I'll just beat my computer with this convenient cricket bat for an hour or so...

I have, finally, gotten around to watching some more of Life on Mars. (The UK version, I dislike American remakes. Yes, I am American. I don't really like us.) I watched episodes two, three, and four of the first season, and discovered that I cannot see John Simm onscreen without drumming. (AKA, the Master's drums, from DW.)

As episode two started, my first reaction was "Wait, what? You've got half the male cast onscreen shirtless, and bloody John Simm has to wear a shirt? WTF?" I mean, honestly. I got over it, especially after seeing him in handcuffs, and finally shirtless, in episode four. He is really rather adorable. I want to hug him.

As I type, the newest episode of Doctor Who is loading in the other browser, and very shortly I will watch it. Then I will go to bed, as it is getting rather late and I have school in the morning.

How Television Can Ruin Your Life, pt 1

Sometimes, I hate the places my brain goes.

So, the other day, I was watching through the first few episodes of Brothers & Sisters. I had just finished reading the afterelton recaps. Later that day, my family went to the zoo.

There were meerkats.

My first thought was gay sex.


Hey-o! This is Kelly speaking, Clary-chan's off-again-on-again girlfriend, biggest fan, and most importantly, her bestest friend in the whole world. I'm just, erm, borrowing her account to give all you people on here an update on her psyche experiment.

Personally, I think she's nuts. Or slightly masochistic. Whichever. There's no universe in which a sleep deprevation experiment was a good idea.

'nyways. She's fine. Good thing we've got a conference day today, tho, or she'd sleep right through it. She finally passed out around 1:30 saturday morning. Slept all through sunday. Her sister Domino and I have been waking her up at regular intervals to actually eat and all.

She'll be fine. Should be waking up any minute now. Byes.

So About That Swearing To God Thing. . .

So, yesterday, my sister Isis and her family come in from out of town. The twins are SO freaqin' cute. They're a little bit over a year old now. Black hair, brown eyes, they're so adorable. I love it when they visit. They make me want to have kids of my own. Then Isis lets me babysit and reminds me of why I don't REALLY want to have kids of my own. Yet.

Isis is pregnant again. A boy this time, due in January. She hasn't come up with a name yet.

In other news, my psyche class is killing my brain. We're supposed to do experiments, like, one a month. And this month I decided it would be a great idea for my experiment to be "how long the human brain can go without sleep." F***. F***-itty f*** f***. It's only been two days. I am subsisting almost entirely on sodapop and skittles. And I'm BORED OUT OF MY MIND.

I want to write crackfic. There's plenty of crackfic fodder on the Torchwood Which Would You Rather thread. I know that it's there. I was just posting over there. Why am I not writing crackfic? Because I don't have a beta. My beta went to bed about half an hour ago. And there's no way I can write something without posting it.

I'm not sure I'm making much sense. Blame it on the non-sleep. (I just read that sentence and realized that it is not in proper english. I'm much too lazy to fix it, though.)

I borrowed my friend Tatey-chan's neopets account today. Made her 20000 NP. Then the Wheel of Monotony ate my money and wouldn't give me a prize.

I've started to watch the first episode of Firefly about six times now. I have yet to get past the first five seconds. I love Sidereel.

I think I should stop typing now. Good bye.


So, um, yeah, I'm only just starting to update this thing, cos, well, I'm an idiot, and. . .I think I'm gonna leave it there, actually. I don't really have much to comment on, as it's a school night and my sister is coming in from out of state tomorrow, so I have to go to bed. I will have a much better post for you tomorrow, I swear to god I will.

About Myself

My name is Clarissa Evans, but you can call me either Clary or Moment. I have a little brother named Ivan, a little sister named Dominique, and an older sister named Isis. Isis is married to a guy named William, because they've got twins, but they both lean more toward same-sex relationships. My best friends are Kelly and Daniel, and other members of my circle include Lizzi and Kylie.

I like a variety of different shows, and thrive off slashy subtext. Even when it isn't really there. (But most of the time it is.)

I'm sixteen years old, and am a female bisexual. I have a problem with exclusivity, call me a commitment-phobe if you must. I am also a devote christian. (Don't knock it, Michaelangelo painted the chapel for God and he was a homosexual.) I take offense to very little, but if you insult my religion you'll have hell to pay.

I write fanfiction, most of it slashy, and it can be found here: or or