*Moxey15 / Member

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*Moxey15 Blog

I have Zuko's eye

I was play footy (auzzie rules) on the weekend when one guy came through the pack and hit me right on the eye brow, it swelled up strait away but after the swelling went down my eye started turning purple/red and now it looks very much like zuko's scar. freacky

I'm back

Well i can finaly use tv.com again, my computer stuffed up and i could use every other web site execpt tv.com and livevideo.com which really sucked because that is the two sites i use the most, so don't be scared to drop me a line.

Avatar Rocks

Avatar has to be one of the best animations i have ever seen. It was quick to get involed in the story and the story line has changed alot since the start and the charter's looks have changed too.