Alias fall from grace
by *MrShard on Comments
I don't know if I was left with such mixed feelings at the end of this season because half of the shows I learned to love had only what I consider mediocre endings or if it's because "Alias" a show I once considered the best show EVER has fallen out of favor with me. Now that I think about it, the reason may very well be for the latter seeing as how I get very disappointed when a show I invest so much time into self-destructs by pulling off jump-the-shark changes in format (ie. Boomtown season 2, Earth Final Conflict season 4). I'm tired of these shows forgetting what they're about. The Alias I remember was a show that started every episode off with an addition to the ever growing list of foreign local and Rambaldi mythology and end with a cliffhanger. That wasn't what I saw this year. In fact I haven't seen the cliffhanger in a good 2 seasons however I have been able to live with that, but what I couldn't live with was the utter disregard for the long standing Rambaldi storyline until the very end of the season. What happened to be the result, of course, was nothing less of a rushed and sloppy job. Sure the last 3 minutes of the season finale was cool but what the deuce is the point of making the show so episodic during the 4th season? Besides dumbing the show down to the point it offends regular viewers. Anyway, I'm starting to get myself mad talking about this season of Alias. Let's just hope for the best for the next season.
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