I HAVEN"T BEEN ON HERE FOR A LONG HECK OF A TIME!!!! I Miss this part of me bloging as much as I used to so mabey I'll be back more often every Fridays of course you can most definetly count on me being on here every Friday more then any other day because most other times I'm Busy but Fridays are the best days and my Free days and who can argue with that they always have and always will be for me at least. Otherwise the only exciting News I have to post is that I finished The three books in the Twilight series and thoes Books were great thanks to some super cool Best Friends of mine who got me influenced and interested and allowed me to Borrow their books. Honestly I don't know what I could have done without them Thanks LYNN and STAR you guys are the best!!! Oh and other then that I had cousins from SWitserland who came and visited which was awesome and I got to go to LAgoona Beach and crash into the waves and then to top it all off with sprinkles on the cake I got to go To DISney land and I went on some super awesome rides not to mention CAlifornia Screemen THree times in one day and we went in and out of the two parks Disney land and Disney's California andventure It was Wayy off the hook and the best time I've ever had there before since we used lots of fast passes and got to stay to see the fireworks and squeese in a heck of a lot more shows it was awesome and now I look foward to going to Sixflags with some ulter cool thrill riders who will go on the mission with me some day so let me know if anyone else is up for the challenge so we can save up and make it a double date or something. Other then that it would be fun to go to Knotts berry farm again on Silver bullot and Excellerater along with dare I say it the ghoast rider( the one ride I was too afraid to go on alone. I may be crazy but I'm not stupid If I die I don't die alone there has to be some familiarity that dies with me!!) Otherwise its been walks or runs or strolls to the park with my wild baby sis which is amazing in its simplicity as well and the coolest part is stoping to see the scenery sometime and enjoying nature surroundings one of the coolest most randomest and beautiful things that I've loved and I've noticed is spider webes with water droplets on them they are so beautiful one day I'll have to bring a camera and capture the beauty of it to share with the world its like a sparkling natural dimond right before your eyes!!! well gotta go talk to you soon!! Like the comercial says you say goodbye but I say Hello so HEllO!!! Its a new thing that I started with star and will eventually pass along to all my true friends because it will be our senior year and who ever wants to say............ that word when you can say Hello!! It takes a lot to get used to but we'll get the hang of it don't worry so heres me Music Queen Saying Hello!!! to all my Supercalafragilisticexpialodocious friends and Fans who read this!! And I can't be the cool Music Queen I am without saying CALABNGA Before I'm off so Hello!!! and CALABNGA cool frinends of Mine!!!!!!
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