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*MusicQueen009 Blog



I HAVEN"T BEEN ON HERE FOR A LONG HECK OF A TIME!!!! I Miss this part of me bloging as much as I used to so mabey I'll be back more often every Fridays of course you can most definetly count on me being on here every Friday more then any other day because most other times I'm Busy but Fridays are the best days and my Free days and who can argue with that they always have and always will be for me at least. Otherwise the only exciting News I have to post is that I finished The three books in the Twilight series and thoes Books were great thanks to some super cool Best Friends of mine who got me influenced and interested and allowed me to Borrow their books. Honestly I don't know what I could have done without them Thanks LYNN and STAR you guys are the best!!! Oh and other then that I had cousins from SWitserland who came and visited which was awesome and I got to go to LAgoona Beach and crash into the waves and then to top it all off with sprinkles on the cake I got to go To DISney land and I went on some super awesome rides not to mention CAlifornia Screemen THree times in one day and we went in and out of the two parks Disney land and Disney's California andventure It was Wayy off the hook and the best time I've ever had there before since we used lots of fast passes and got to stay to see the fireworks and squeese in a heck of a lot more shows it was awesome and now I look foward to going to Sixflags with some ulter cool thrill riders who will go on the mission with me some day so let me know if anyone else is up for the challenge so we can save up and make it a double date or something. Other then that it would be fun to go to Knotts berry farm again on Silver bullot and Excellerater along with dare I say it the ghoast rider( the one ride I was too afraid to go on alone. I may be crazy but I'm not stupid If I die I don't die alone there has to be some familiarity that dies with me!!) Otherwise its been walks or runs or strolls to the park with my wild baby sis which is amazing in its simplicity as well and the coolest part is stoping to see the scenery sometime and enjoying nature surroundings one of the coolest most randomest and beautiful things that I've loved and I've noticed is spider webes with water droplets on them they are so beautiful one day I'll have to bring a camera and capture the beauty of it to share with the world its like a sparkling natural dimond right before your eyes!!! well gotta go talk to you soon!! Like the comercial says you say goodbye but I say Hello so HEllO!!! Its a new thing that I started with star and will eventually pass along to all my true friends because it will be our senior year and who ever wants to say............ that word when you can say Hello!! It takes a lot to get used to but we'll get the hang of it don't worry so heres me Music Queen Saying Hello!!! to all my Supercalafragilisticexpialodocious friends and Fans who read this!! And I can't be the cool Music Queen I am without saying CALABNGA Before I'm off so Hello!!! and CALABNGA cool frinends of Mine!!!!!!

Guess who's back? What it do baby bo?!! :)

Hey guys and Girls! I haven't been on here for eternity!! How about that earthquake did anyone feel it? It freaken scared the sleep outa me since I was still awake when it happened!

ANyone on here from Indonesia? Cuz if your still alive thats great and I gotta give you props! Yup yup School started so I hardly have time to blog anymore I'm trying to be more seriouse about school scince its junior year and I have one more year left so I can't screw around Must IMprove must have AWESOME A"S on report card!!! SOrry if I sound like a crazed obsessed geek or freak right now but I don't care I'm going for a better chapter in my life this year!

Take care everyone and hope to blog some more later in the near future as long as It doesn't make me side trackted from doing well in school! Shout outs and peace to all my faithful and true friends you guys rox my soxs!!!!

MQ ( what it do baby bo!!)8)

Free icecream again!!

Ha ha syc Made you look! Who knew the title would draw your attention like that! Its amazing how quickly people come when they hear something is for FREE!!!

Hey Guys! Did you miss me? Its pretty sad and pathetic when I look over my blogs because most of them have only one or two coments except for the one when I offered free icecream. Isn't that weird when you give free icecream thats when all the comments come flying in and guess what the icecream isn't even real!!! Da! I don't get it some people can be major muchers and only come to you when they want something from you. Not my real friends though they have been my friends when I didn't have a penny to my name or anything really to offer than myself and strangly enough that was good enough for them. Anyways I hope everyone who comments on blogs here is haveing an awesome time for the remainder of the summer. So far my summer consisted of

COMIC CON With Star and lyn and stars brother ( Wahoooo!! that was fun there were a lot of interesting costumes and lots of people with dread locks I got a little obsessed its true!)

Babysitting ( thats crazy fun and wild)

Swimming( the pool feels great)

Reading ( summer reading assignments boringgg but books I chose myself were great!)

singing and writing songs ( l looove to sing!)

Dancing ( perferably when no one's wacthing)

listening to my favorite songs by India over and over again

Writting letters ( I looove to write all types of stuff)

recieving letters ( I always do the crazy hyper dance when I get one because there so rare!)

community service ( It was a blast with my Awesomefriend Star who joined me)

Youth group ( Lyn and star and Jfm memories there were priceless)

calling people long distance ( not many though)

cleaning ( uugh Its so boring the only fun is listening to music while cleaning)

E-mail ( I write looooooooooong E-mails and get caried away at times)

walking to the park ( my baby cuz loves the outdoors I really should take her again)

cooking ( that was an experiment in which I didn't burn the house down or kill anyone and I'm thankful)

baking ( bannana cake is my speciality sorry for thoes of you who don't like bannanas)

job hunting ( no such luck in finding a job I like yet)

and not much else.....

yup my summer vacation was pretty much the usuall sometimes a little boring I need more Fun in it before it ends and its gonna end quickly and I'll miss it. I hope your summer was tons better than mine but don't go rubbing it in my face or


Take care everyone! My little munchkin is calling me to look after her and play with her! buye buye!

MQ ( what it do baby bo) :) 8)

I am not my hair I am not my skin I am the sole that lives within!!

Hello to my few but honorable commenters on here!! I'm sorry I neglected to blog for soooo... long! Well as far as the job thing goes the best so far was babysitting and the kids I babysat for they cracked me up plus I made quite a fortune just having fun and hanging with a bunch of kids. One day I babysat we went biking and played follow the leader then at one point OOPs I acidentlylost the littlest one because he was angry and decided he would bike on by I had a panic attack but eventually I found him Thank Heavens!! Then We danced ate icecream danced to music ofcourse and told some wild and crazy stories. The kids were funny one kid said the dumbest creature on the face of the planet was birds who poop on cars and stuff and I cracked up. It was funny also when they tried to convince me to take them to the store to buy them candy while their mom wasaway ha ha they thought they could take advantage of me butI tricked them into doing things my way and showed them whowasboss so ha! The other day I baby sat we were into the pirateof the Carabian theme and we traced a kid andthen designed the board that was traced to look like a pirate. Then We made a giant treasurecheast full of wonderful treasures!! It was great I love to babysit Ijust wish I could find a more stable job to make the money I need for school and stuff. ON A really happy note incase anyone cares I got a newCD after getting broke at Barns and Nobel theCD artist is yup you guessed it India Arie one of my favorite artists and the song of day,Month ,week ,heck mabeyyear is I am not my hair because it illustrates exactly how I feel about my hair and it helps me to ignore thoes who have had very negative looks or comments about my hair in dread locks. I just love India's songs They are so Soulful and Meaningful!! Here's the song lyrics if you've never heard them before!! Hope you learn from the message and understand me and people like mea little bit better I hope you can enjoy her work of art nearly as much as I have and still do!!


I Am Not My Hair

Is that India.Arie? What happened to her hair? Ha ha ha ha ha
Dat dad a dat da [4x] Dad a ooh

[Verse 1]
Little girl with the press and curl
Age eight I got a Jheri curl
Thirteen I got a relaxer
I was a source of so much laughter
At fifteen when it all broke off
Eighteen and went all natural
February two thousand and two
I went and did
What I had to do
Because it was time to change my life
To become the women that I am inside
Ninety-seven dreadlock all gone
I looked in the mirror
For the first time and saw that HEY....

I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations no no
I am not my hair
I ma not this skin
I am a soul that lives within

What'd she do to her hair? I don't know it look crazy
I like it. I might do that.
Umm I wouldn't go that far. I know .. ha ha ha ha

[Verse 2]
Good hair means curls and waves
Bad hair means you look like a slave
At the turn of the century
Its time for us to redefine who we be
You can shave it off
Like a South African beauty
Or get in on lock
Like Bob Marley
You can rock it straight
Like Oprah Winfrey
If its not what's on your head
Its what's underneath and say HEY....


(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? Oooh
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
I am expressing my creativity..
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)

[Verse 3]
Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy
Took away her crown and glory
She promised God if she was to survive
She would enjoy everyday of her life ooh
On national television
Her diamond eyes are sparkling
Bald headed like a full moon shining
Singing out to the whole wide world like HEY...

[Chorus 2x]

[Ad lib]
If I wanna shave it close
Or if I wanna rock locks
That don't take a bit away
From the soul that I got
Dat da da dat da [4x]
If I wanna where it braided
All down my back
I don't see what wrong with that
Dat da da dat da [4x]

Is that India.Arie?
Ooh look she cut her hair!
I like that, its kinda PHAT
I don't know if I could do it.
But it looks sharp, it looks nice on her
She got a nice shaped head
She got an apple head
I know right?
It's perfect.

Well hope you liked it , let me know what you think, take care!! 8)

MQ ( What it do baby bo?)

Whahoo!! Free ice cream and snow cones!!

Hello everyone or anyone who reads my blogs!! Nicasso is the new person on my blog and I welcome him/her , feel free tocomment anytime you wish!!Lyn and star I don't know where you've been? Has the heat gotton to you both ordo you think your too cool to comment anymore??Xerinna who knows what happened to you you made a promise and never came through and I think youre just hiding from me. But thats okey life still goes on .. Today I rode around turning in applications for a summer job finally and it was fun the wind was blowing through my hair and I got free icecones!!

Free icecones you can't beat that I even picked up an application from where my friend lynn works. If all else fails mabey I can count on her to recomend me since she already got the job. So Wish me luck please. I really wanna work at an icecream place especially in this hot heat but subway, Panda express and Wendys with lyn sound pretty good as well as this scrapbook place I applied at. Hopefully my next blog will have good news that I start to work. The question remains where will my first real job besides babysitting be? Stay tooned and until then Here's some free ice creamcones for you to enjoy while you Stay tooned and wish me luck for perferably an icecram crazy cool job!!!! Enjoy Take cares! Miss you guys! MQ ( What it do baby boComes in any flavor you wish to have mmmm yummy!!

Penguin Smack down!!!

Do you ever feel like doing this to someone?

Te-hee this is hilarious I feel like doing that to people who get on my nerves sometimes!! Especially those who make promises and break them and those who don't respond to e-mails or comment on my blogs!! Okay maybe I wouldn't take that exact action but depending on the situation something the same orsimilar.Well I don't have to mention any names you all know who you are and this clip is just for you!! Sorry it sounds kind of mean but its true!! I'm sure you'd feel the same way too if you were me. And I'll betyou feel like doing that to some people in your life sometimes.I mean comeon get real were human and were just like these pinguins too,we do feel that way sometimes right? Well take care you guys and talk to you guys latter. MQ ( what it do baby bo?) 8)

Unwritten Song of the Day!!!

HEy Everyone!!! I nominate this song of the day, mabey even song of the Year!!Its one of my favorites too and its Awesome possume!! I've probably played it for the umptenth time today and I never get tired of it!!! I dedicate it to you all who read my blogs and actually comment!!! :) Enjoy!

PEACE! MQ( what it do baby bo!) 8)

Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten Lyrics

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your innovations
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Oh, oh, oh

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inner visions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten

Oh, yeah, yeah

Answers to true and false questions and Grand prize!!

Horaygame contestents!!! Thank you for playing the true or false game with me. It took me so long to post the answers because I was waiting for a contestent who is mentioned in the true false questions but she doesn't seem to be responding so *cough cough* STAR!! but thats okey two contestansts areenough for this game and you both did a great job participating so you both win a cyber trip to any place you want just tell me where and I'll send you there and the grand prize winner will be announced shortly!!! For the first true or false question air the answers are:

F, F, F,T,F,T,T,T

For the second true or false question air it was

T, T, T, F,T,F, F,F and the winnergetsall this and more!!


Happy Fourth of JULY!!! and TRUE or False Game!!!

HeLLO ALL YOU FREINDLY PEOPLE OUT THERE!! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!! Let FREEDOM RING And UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!! Here are some true or false questions for my old and new friends. There are similar true or false questions on the blog below to help you out if you wish You are welcomed to answer both if you want. As soon as answers are in I'll post the actual answers and the winner with the most correct will win a GRAND PRIZE!! or whatever I can afford to give!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!8)

An African pop star from Ghana wrote a song with my name in it. (True or false)

I once videotaped warthogs wearing a woman's sunglasses and Lynn and Jfm were both there. (True or false)

I once intruded on my old middle school with a boy as we snuck in through a back fence we both got caught and star was a witness. (True or false)

I molded and hosted our fourth annual multi cultural fair in 8th grade and helped write the script (true or false)

I live with my aunt uncle three cousins and our new pet hamster (true or false)

My 16th month baby cousin drew me a star with crayons true or false

I ripped a hole in my jeans while hoping the school fence early in the morning (true or false)

I spraned the ankle on my right foot. ( true or false)