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Free icecream again!!

Ha ha syc Made you look! Who knew the title would draw your attention like that! Its amazing how quickly people come when they hear something is for FREE!!!

Hey Guys! Did you miss me? Its pretty sad and pathetic when I look over my blogs because most of them have only one or two coments except for the one when I offered free icecream. Isn't that weird when you give free icecream thats when all the comments come flying in and guess what the icecream isn't even real!!! Da! I don't get it some people can be major muchers and only come to you when they want something from you. Not my real friends though they have been my friends when I didn't have a penny to my name or anything really to offer than myself and strangly enough that was good enough for them. Anyways I hope everyone who comments on blogs here is haveing an awesome time for the remainder of the summer. So far my summer consisted of

COMIC CON With Star and lyn and stars brother ( Wahoooo!! that was fun there were a lot of interesting costumes and lots of people with dread locks I got a little obsessed its true!)

Babysitting ( thats crazy fun and wild)

Swimming( the pool feels great)

Reading ( summer reading assignments boringgg but books I chose myself were great!)

singing and writing songs ( l looove to sing!)

Dancing ( perferably when no one's wacthing)

listening to my favorite songs by India over and over again

Writting letters ( I looove to write all types of stuff)

recieving letters ( I always do the crazy hyper dance when I get one because there so rare!)

community service ( It was a blast with my Awesomefriend Star who joined me)

Youth group ( Lyn and star and Jfm memories there were priceless)

calling people long distance ( not many though)

cleaning ( uugh Its so boring the only fun is listening to music while cleaning)

E-mail ( I write looooooooooong E-mails and get caried away at times)

walking to the park ( my baby cuz loves the outdoors I really should take her again)

cooking ( that was an experiment in which I didn't burn the house down or kill anyone and I'm thankful)

baking ( bannana cake is my speciality sorry for thoes of you who don't like bannanas)

job hunting ( no such luck in finding a job I like yet)

and not much else.....

yup my summer vacation was pretty much the usuall sometimes a little boring I need more Fun in it before it ends and its gonna end quickly and I'll miss it. I hope your summer was tons better than mine but don't go rubbing it in my face or


Take care everyone! My little munchkin is calling me to look after her and play with her! buye buye!

MQ ( what it do baby bo) :) 8)