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Teenage Survey

One of your scars, how did you get it? I fell while riding my bike

What is on your walls? Pictures of me

What does your cell phone look like? None

What music do you listen to? Pop, and rock

Do you know what time you were born? 8 am

What do you want more than anything right now? To make time go faster

Who do you miss? Nick B.

What is your most prized possession? My jewelery.

What is your Zodiac sign? Cancer

Do you get claustrophobic? Depends

Do you get scared of the dark? Sometimes

The last person to make you cry? My ex- boyfriend

What's your fave cologne? The Abercrombie one (a # or something)

What kind of hair/eye color do like on a guy? Brown/Blue

Where can you see yourself being proposed to? Yes

Coffee or Energy drink? Energy Drink

What is our fave pizza topping? Bacon

If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? Waffles

Who is the last person you made mad? Cam

What was the first gift someone has ever given to you? Pajamas

Do you like anyone right now? Not sure

Are you double jointed? No

Fave clothing line? Abercrombie and Old Navy

What's your dream car? A Spider Car

Do you have a pet? No

What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you? Holding Hands

Say a number from one to 100: 12

Blondes or Brunettes? BrunettesĀ 

What annoys you? People who ask stupid questions

Have you been out of the US? Yes

What's your weakness? Food

Ever done a prank call? No

Why are you taking this survey? Just felt like it

What do you get complimented about most? Soccer

What do you want for your B'day? iPhone

How many kids do you want? 3

Were you named after anyone? No

Do you wish on stars? Yes

What did you do in the morning? Read

What did you last eat? Ice Cream

Do you like your handwriting? Yes

What city do you live in? L.A.

Do looks matter? Sorta

How do you release anger? Running