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*No1Slayerette Blog

Dodging Dexter Spoilers

As a frequent visitor of and several other TV related sites I am aware that there is a high likelihood of me stumbling across spoilers while roaming the net. I believe, however, that the risk is worth taking in order for me to find out as much TV related gossip as possible. Unfortunately, I have recently found it difficult to navigate my way around spoilers for Dexter's season four final, and thus find myself questioning whether or not I should keep visiting such sites.

To be honest, Dexter is a show I've never got around to watching as much as I'd like. Living in Australia, I can only watch Dexter on the pay-tv channel Showcase (a channel I don't have), or on a ridiculously late and constantly changing timeslot on Channel 10. As these are my only options for watching Dexter as it airs on TV I opted to put Dexter down as one of those shows I should rent on DVD if I get a chance. But what is the point of me ever watching the brilliant (so I hear) Dexter, if it has been spoiled for me by the websites I visit? It's not as though I read articles or recaps of shows and then become annoyed when I uncover spoilers, recently I've noticed all one needs to do is skim a headline or look at a picture and everything is ruined, or well... spoiled.

Not all sites are bad at giving away spoilers all of the time; in fact I find some are quite good at concealing them. But for every site that has a picture of the last three remaining teams in The Amazing Race with a title 'And the winner is...' and a link to the full article, another site has a gigantic picture of the winning pair plastered on the homepage. As I am a TV addict this problem will sparsely keep me away from the sites, I just wanted to note that spoilers are a huge problem for TV fans.

So what does everyone else think? Does anyone else out there have the same problem as me? Should I make as many complaints as possible about how aggravating spoilers are and write a blog about it? (Oh, already did that). Or should I just accept that if I want to visit these sites that I will find out who dies in the Desperate Housewives plane crash, what happens in the end of Dollhouse, and that Adrian Pasdar is leaving Heroes? Oops, sorry. Did I spoil it for you?