Well, I just realized that the day the movie airs is also the day of my senior prom. And since I have a life (kinda), I've decided that I am going to go to Prom. I went to prom last year as a junior and I really didn't like it much. I didn't have a date. (Not that I wanted one, but it would be nice to have someone to dance with and take pictures with. Actually I did dance with my friend Jakob, but let's not get into that.) I also didn't really have my hair done professionally. My friend Adair curled my hair and her mom did my makeup. We watched Cats Don't Dance the whole time. And some other movie. Oh and my dress made me look like I was three months along.
Let's see more horrors of Prom: I danced with Jakob to Christiana Agulerra song with the word "dirty" in it. That's enough said.
-I kept getting forced to dance when I truly didn't want to.
-The food sucked.
-I was bored.
-I was exhausted.
-I had to watch the guy I liked dance with about a million girls.
-The music left a pounding headache for the next 12 hours.
-I lost my clip on earing. Awkward. (I have pierced earings now. Thank God.)
-A song that I used to love is now ruined because of the fact that I liked the guy I danced with to that song and then he came over and made out with some girl on my couch.
-I think that's all the negative points. I think.
So you may be asking, "Why Noelle? Why would you want to put yourself through this? AGAIN, especially when you could be watching the new Zoey 101 movie instead? "
The answer is: I really have no idea.
Have any of you been to Prom? What are your thoughts/memories?
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