Ha! I knew that girl was phychotic. Especially when she ws talking about how pretty all the girls were at pca. That was so fake I wanted to smack her.
And when she threatened Zoey...man...that was intense but I so knew it was coming.
And when Zoey and Chase see each other and the lounge, she hugs him and than remembers that she shouldnt be talking to him because of the threat. (That was that one part on the preview where it looked like they were having a "moment". That preview was an evil deceiving awful monkey face preview that needs to die. Seriously what's with Nick and it's misleading previews? The Spring-Break Up one was just as bad.)
And my favorite part was of course the Zoey/Chase moment at the end where they were pelting grapes at each other. Hahah What is it with Zoey 101 and the grapes? Strange!