I just saw this epi, and I can't decide what t think...
- I loved the flashedbacks, especially the lucas/peyton thing in the end!
- The voice overs were wonderful! absolutley wonderful!!!
- There were alot of true feelings, something that isn't usuall on TV today...
- The whole episode were really slow, but that might have been a good thing, there was time reflection and time to show those powerfull emotions!! But we aren't used to the tempo, that we got, and that may be a reason to my hesitation... but I don't know, I can't identify my own feelings (and that feels a bit trubbelling)
- Lucas desperation annoyed me a bit. In the end when he held his speach to Lindsay, and said
"one of these days you gonna wake up, and you're feel that same (me? can't identify the word) in your heart, and you're gonna realize how much I love you. And whenever that day is, I still be waiting for you, and you'll come home to me"
Wait a minute... isn't that really close to some of the things he has said before especially to Peyton?? I don't have any examples, it's just a feeling... I have nothing against Lucas, and I know he's heartbroken, but please, be original!! - And why Max/Mark? the only good thing about that was that Peyton got to explain her love to music.
- Nathan/Haley, isn't it common knowledge that in a realtionship you have to maintain your own individuallity?? and in the Nathan/Haley situation, hasn't this topic been up before?? when Nathan became a "good guy" and Haley kissed Chris Keller... I'm just thinking...
But in all, this episode was necessary, we had to be made aware of all those feeling, and on that mission the episode was exelent!