I have an examination tomorrow, psychology.
And I can't think about anything else... There are different kinds of stress. Good stress, which makes you perform better and get an edge. The good stress is triggered by the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. But the bad stress, the kind we all suffers from, has apart from adrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol, which breaks down our bodies, and even makes the hippo-campus shrink and thorough that counteract out memory.
Now, when I've read this, I got an epiphany. This is why I moved from Stockholm. This is why I can't handle all the unnecessary stress. Why do one run to the subway when the next one comes in five minutes? Why is the tempo so exaggerated? Why do you always have to obey to other people, and their need to be social?
I don't get it. Of course, I like to meed my friends, and go out, and all that stuff. But I'm also comfortable by myself. I don't have the need to be around other people all the time. And I value that ability!
I'm happy just sitting at home and draw or work on a painting!
I can write lyrics and then compose a song, just give me a guitar!
Sit in my sofa and read a nice novel, I love Harry Potter and have just read them in English...
I like to play the Sims 2 and the whole socialisation drama that comes with that.
I don't get why people don't want to be alone. There's a big difference in being alone and being lonely.
Why the fear of going out for dinner by yourself?
Why do you have to have a friend with you, to go to the movies?ยด
I like my own company!