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*PeachesNCream12 Blog

I Didn't Meet Brucey....

i didn't end up meetin bruce weber. we were too early for the book signing and we had to go somewhere else that day. oh well. we still got him to sign a book anyway. i'm gone for a week and i jump from SOUP NAZI to TALK SHOW HOST! yay i'm excited this is great! lyl sammie

Gonna Meet Brucey!!!

I'm meeting Bruce Weber now (head coach of the 2004-2005 Illini Men's basketball team who took it all the way to the championship game during the NCAA tournament this year) i'm SOOOOOOOo excited i can't wait!!!! i'm also going to my friend's farm that should be amazing! lyl sammie

A Harry Potter Obsession

Okay i'm officially obsessed with harry potter for the moment. i just finished the 6th book was the saddest, worst but best book i have ever read in my life. i seriously cried my eyes out it was terrible. i knew it would be sad, i just wasn't expecting this sad. thank goodness know one spoiled it for me even if i was slow to read it. i'm very thankful for that. so i stayed in my room all day to finish it, talked to my cousin about it, then around 11 pm decided to watch HP and the Sorcerer's stone. amazing movie and they're all soooo little! then i made the stupid mistake of rereading the saddest chapter of the 6th before i went to bed. i cried myself to sleep. i watched chamber of secrets today.....i love ron and hermione together they better get together eventually! 6th book gave some great hints to their potential togetherness. i'm planning on watching prisoner of azkaban tonight cuz i love that one the most!! i've also been surfing HP fansites all day its great. well, i g2g! lyl sammie

Soup ****...what the....

so i was surprised to see that my level went up yet again! i'm surpringly at level 3 completed 8%....i'm a soup nazi...whatever the heck that means. i tried putting the word "Nazi" in my blog title but it was BANNED so i don't even know why in heck's name they would even create a frickin title like that in the first place. i'm quite obsessed with harry potter now. i have been reading the 6th for 5 hours now trying to finish it and i really wish i was born british...i love their accents! lyl sammie

my percentage finally went up...

just writing to get my percentage to go up more though i have FINALLY graduated to level two. i'm very sleepy and wanna go to bed (i have school in the morning! yuck) but i wanna read harry potter too. lyl sammie

i hate this site

wow this site is retarded and the only way i can contribute info is if i post in this useless thing to get myself up to level two. Ridiculous

hey everyone i'm bored

i don't have much to do. i just got home from babysitting and came here to post and saw some pretty disturbing stuff on the Phil boards. i'm seriously scarred for life. ugh. well i'll ttyl! luv ya! lyl sammie