Hi, everyone! I know I haven't been on much these last few months, but I've been really busy lately. I can't even remember the last time that I was on here!lol Work and school have kept me very busy, especially this term. I was working some crazy and late hours at Christmas time (I hope everyone enjoyed it and New Year's), and now I am in my final term for school. I only have courses two days a week, but I started my internship last month. Between the those two activities and working, I have very little time for computer playtime (as I like to call it).
I have been interning with the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission (try and say that five times fast!), and it has been a really fun and interesting experience. Even though I only have two days of courses, there is a lot of work with them. I am taking Business Ethics, Supervisory Management, and an Internship course.
Ethics has consisted of a few paper, but we have to base them on videos watched in course meeting time and lecture notes. Our final paper, the instructor is basically making these last few course meetings lab time to work on because we about 50 pages to read and a 20 minute video online to watch. Supervisory Management has involved a lot of in course meeting assignments that we are allowed to finish at home, chapter discussion questions that require us to really understand the material and not just memorize it, and a final project on a person of our choosing from the 50 most powerful women list in Forbes magazine.
Now, I don't know how other colleges do theirs, but not only do Gibbs students intern for different companies, but we have to attend an internship course as well. The internship itself is 60% of the grade, and the rest is based on a mock interview, portfolio of our work throughout our time at Gibbs, a log of what we do on our internships, and a paper on the whole experience.
For my portfolio, I had go and dig up all folders for the last year and a half to find everything I need. From doing my portfolio, I can see why the instructor wants us to have them. When we are on job interviews, not only can we tell prospective employers what we can do, we can back it up with proof from our work at school. After I bought the portfolio case I wanted, I actually felt a slight difference in my self, like a little more professional, but that just could have been my mind playing tricks on me.
But 2 weeks to go, and I am a graduate! I can't wait!