With Russell T. Davies tenure as showrunner on Doctor Who coming to an end, I thought it appropriate to look back at the best, and worst, of his work. No other writer has written as many episodes for the new show as him, and therefore, no other writer has had the chance to create this many memorable or forgettable episodes. So here's part one of my Top 'n Flop countdown of the five best and worst Doctor Who episodes, written by Russell.
Oh, and yeah, I know he is still doing a couple of specials. We'll see if they change my list .
Flop #5 Voyage of the Damned
Oh boy. You really have to wonder, what Russell was thinking here. I mean, let's face it, nobody likes disaster movies. I am talking about the kind of movies that Voyage of the Damned tries to imitate. Movies where you have a group of around ten people and they all die off, one by one until only three make it out alive. Movies like the "Poseidon Adventure", "Daylight", "The Core", "Sunshine" and many more. I honestly don't know anybody who likes this genre or even any of these movies. They suck. The genre sucks.
So taking this, hugely unpopular (because stupid) genre and translating it into the kid-friendly world of Doctor Who by adding aliens and removing peril and violence seems like something that would make a bad thing worse, doesn't it? Russell didn't think so. Thus, "Voyage of the Damned" was born.
Unfortunately these movies rely on several facts: For one, the characters (all but one, the obligatory self-centered a-hole) ought to be likeable so that the viewer becomes emotionally invested. Does this happen in "Voyage of the Damned"? No. The characters are bland and/or annoying. All of them. You don't care about them, you don't want to know about them and you are damn glad when they are finally killed off, yo you don't have to hear "banacaffasomething" anymore.
Secondly, the threat has to be genuinely threatening. Killer robots aren't. The ship crashing isn't either really. So instead of wathing people run around and die because of the dangers they face we get to watch people run around and doie because of stupidity (leaning against a railing? Really?).
Finally, I've got to wonder if Russell doesn't have some sort of secret fear/fetish of disembodied heads. You had the Toclafane, which were heads in balls, the Face of Boe, a head in a jar, Ursula becomes a face on a slab and now Max Capricorn. He also beats the Slitheen and Abzorbaloff for the top spot of most uninspired, bland, ridiculous and retarded looking villain on the new show.
"Voyage of the Damned" was lame, and yet, there are four episodes that are worse.
Top #5 Utopia
This episode got lucky in a lot of ways.
It's the first part of a three-part arc. So you'd expect it to be the rather underwhelming set-up episode. But because it takes place somewhere totally different than parts two and three it really stands on its own. So it has that going for it.
Secondly, it throws a bunch of actors together that haven't worked together yet, so it might have backfired. But Tennant and Barrowman, Barrowman and Agyeman, Tennant and Jacobi, they all pair up nicely and have great onscreen chemistry. Point two in favour of the episode.
Finally, when I first watched this episode, I was totally unspoiled. I had no idea that this was part one of three. I had no idea, that Yana was the Master. So when the professor pulls out that watch I was at the edge of my seat and I never left it. From there on I got to witness the most exciting 15 minutes of the revived show to date. What a ride.
But even without the episode's luck, it would have been good. The scenario was original, the characters where superb and even the humor didn't come short. The way the Doctor and Jack made up, addressing Jack's immortality and abandonment was well done. The mild and good-hearted nature of Yana was terrifically juxtaposed against the Master's cruelty and malice. And the musical score was brilliant. Admittedly the Futurekind might have been a little silly, however they also weren't the main focus of the episode, so they too worked just fine.
In the end though, it's those unforgettable last 15 minutes that got this episode onto the list.
Flop #4 Journey's End
A lot of people really loved this episode, and the more I've watched it, the more I really wonder why. 'Cause it's bad. Really bad.
I think one reason that a lot of people loved the episode is because it used almost all of the characters the Doctor has met over the course of the new series. The thing is though, it didn't. "Use" them that is. None of the characters did anything. Martha looked distraught over the Osterhagen Key, Sara-Jane waved around a necklace, Mickey and Jackie stood around and watched her, Jack helped her wave the necklace and Rose did...nothing. Nothing at all. Whatsoever. I challenge anybody out there to tell me what reason Rose had for being in this episode. All the other characters can be shoehorned by arguing that they were needed to prove Davros' point (a point, might I add, that in itself was pointless and served no purpose in the story). Rose however wasn't even needed for that.
But all the characters getting a bum deal isn't the only reason this finale is horrible. There's the Deus Ex Machina ending in which a whole lot of nonsensical technobabble saves the universe. There's the horribly creepy ending, where Rose is stuck with a faux Doctor to have her way with on the parallel earth. There's the continuation of the trend where a massive Dalek fleet is wiped out by the push of a button. There's the lameness that is the Dalek Supreme. There's the retardedness of the cliffhanger-resolutions (time-bubble and Mickey and Jackie popping up. Really?). Basically the entire episode feels like somebody's horribly amateurish attempts at fan fiction.
If it weren't for the last 15 minutes of the episode, that in my opinion are pure television gold, "Journey's End" would have been even higher up on this list. It is just that poorly written.
Top #4 Partners in Crime
This episode is, to me, the embodiment of why Doctor Who is one of the best shows on television. Many will argue, that the Adipose were silly and as threatening as a bag of sugar and the episode's tone was way too silly and light hearted. I however maintain, that a series premiere should be light hearted, if it's not resolving the last series' cliffhanger. Secondly, to me, the Adipose are what it's all about.
They personify the beauty of Doctor Who. No other show could do this. No other show is versatile enough to allow for both epic struggles with hellish foes of immeasurable evil as well as funny little conflicts with cute and cuddly fat babies. Doctor Who can do anything and go anywhere and make it good and entertaining to watch. "Partners in Crime" demonstrates this like no other episode.
Let's also not forget Donna Noble's return. The way she and the Doctor walk past each other for the first twenty minutes is hilarious and just as it's beginning to get old, the situation is resolved with an even more hilarious mime scene, perfectly acted by both Tate and Tennant. This is Russell's comedic writing at its best. It's funny, silly, yet witty and clever. It demonstrates that Doctor Who can be undeniably fun, no matter what it does and it stands as the best series opener to date.
Flop # 3 Boom Town
"Boom Town"'s main flaw is actually not that it is plain bad. It's that it is plain boring as sin. Nothing happens for most of the episode. And just when you think, something is finally going to happen...the episode is over. For the most of the episode, Mickey whines about Rose, and the Doctor and Margret talk. Ugh! How boring.
The episode's main focus is supposed to be the Doctor's moral dilemma about whether or not to turn Margret over to her people, thus ending her life. But this conflict doesn't work. For one thing, nobody cares. Honestly, who could give a damn what happens in this episode anyway. The Slitheen were silly and uninteresting monsters, and bringing them back even once was one time too many. Those who do care on the other hand don't see the moral dilemma. Margret is bad guy. Therefore, turning her over to the authorities is the only smart thing to do. Where's the problem?
Boom Town is this far up my list, just for being boring. There are other boring episodes out there, but most of them have at least one redeeming quality. Not this one. From beginning to end, it is utterly superfluous and painful to watch. Oh, and boring, did I mention that?
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