A deleted post.
by *Psycho_lullaby on Comments
jusjon17, is it REALLY so hard for you to put a warning BEFORE you go spoiling major details of the series?!?! I suppose my use of a general statement on the subject of inconsiderate people intentionally disregarding the feelings of other forum members and posting spoilers was not clear enough. I was talking to you!!! So PLEASE STOP IT!!! All you had to say was "other side of the gate" Your revelation of what was on the other side was not necessary, though if you insist on ruining future episodes for those of us who prefer to allow the story to develop on it's own, then AT LEAST put up a warning label. I assume the spoiler warning on this thread refers to THIS episode, but if I am mistaken, then I'll gladly move to the other "Rotted Heart" thread and post there. (*sighs* I figure I shouldn't take my battles to the forums. If it's worth fighting I'll do it in private, but man does this stuff piss me off )