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*QueenofShiba Blog

Catching Up!

Hey there =D It's been such a loooonnnggg tiimmeeee!! I'm sorry if i didn't blog lately or comment on any of your blogs it's just that i was soo busy you have no idea!

Well first things first, in August, I applied for Queen Rania Cambridge Student Award where you were supposed to write a 500 word essay about yourself and your ambitions and your perceptions of the UK and all that! SO, i did it and i sent it. I really to be honest didn't expect much, buuutt, the next thing i know after a month, they were calling my schools (the old one and the new one) and my cellphone (which i didn't bother to answer thinking that it would be my best friend Laith with some gossip about the girls in my old school as usual, haha) so they ended up calling my parents, telling them that they want me for an interview on Tuesday at 11 am (they called on Thursday) and how they were excited to meet me and all! :D:D:D:D I was like YYYAAAAYYYY :D:D:D:D:D:D :lol: but didn't really expect much either, i guess i was afraid to build up my thoughts and hopes on winning and not get it in the end. Imagine the bubble-bursting that would happen in my life at that moment! so i didn't expect much even though me and my best friend Aya got chosen for the interview, we were planning on going together really.

On Tuesday, we went by the school's bus to the British Council. We waited for like half an hour then they called for Aya as she had an appoitment before me. She went in , stayed for almost 40 min (I started to panic really) then they called for me. I was sleepy, tired, fasting and didn't have enough sleep the previous night so you can imagine what mess i was in! Anyway, I got in, waayy in. hehe. To find a woman waiting for me (who btw has perfect teeth, haha) in addition to the woman who escorted me in! They made me set infront of them, they weren't mean or anything, so... me being the usual Hiba, i didn't get the feeling of seriousness i am supposed to be having...NNNOOOOO .... i got the funny mood!!!!! :O and i don't mean funny-haha kind of funny.

They started asking me questions, not real serious kind of stuff, just normal personal stuff! Like what books im reading now, my hobbies, what things i do in my free time (i answered by eating and sleeping :S:S :lol:) and then the perceptions of the UK and all, and by the end of the interview, they said that i am a multitasking person! Persoanlly, when i heard that, i felt that i have scored more scores in the chances of winning :D:D then they asked me the trick question of why do you think we shoudl pick you, well i answered as if im the girl on top of the world, i told them that i ahve everything they're looking for, and i don't apply for anything just randomly, i apply for things that im 100% sure i am perfect for!!! :D:D they started laughing, the kind of laugh as in like ( haha, she passed, we're picking her) i felt it, didn't believe it! I thought i was just hilusinating! :lol:

SOOO, on Wednesday (after a week from the interview) i went to the bathroom, as usual checking for any msgs from my best friends on the other school (ex. Nura, the other Aya, Laith or Omar) but instead, i found 5 missed calls and like 7 msgs from EVERYBODY i know in my ols skl (New English) I was shocked, i opened Aya's msg to be written " CONGRATS YOU WON QUEEN RANIA'S CAMBRIDGE STUDENT AWARD " at that moment, i swear i could feel myself flying! I ran to the teacher's room to tell the English teacher that i won, they cheered and congratulated me! :D:D:D:D

There was something that pissed me off though, Aya didn't win :(:( i really wanted to go with her :(:( . But she was really happy for me! :) After school, i went to New English, they all congratulated me and hugged me and all! I hugged Nura the most ( she was so happy for me that she started crying when they first mentioned my name) i lvu her! haha! then i hung out with Laith abit and he made me laugh alot! I haven't seen him in like..... oh a week! nevermind then! hehe!

Went back home with Nura with me, we laughed and laughed, God i miss her even though i see her every weekend but i still do miss her! And we laughed even more when Laith and Omar called! They asked about the award and what do i get from it! Well, i get to go to England for 8 days on the British Council expence :D:D:D:D:D YAAYY! how cool is that?? hahaha! They were all soo jealous, and they started telling me what to get them and all! As if im getting any :P:P haha!

And now, my life seems perfect, hehe! On Thursday, we all went out and celeberated the award, Nura, Zeina and Laila got me a cake with candles and all :D:D I felt special! :lol: We went everywhere basicly! My dad kept on calling making sure that im having fun and all! I love my daddy! And then went home, soo tired! I slept like a baby, more like a dead baby actually! hehe!

That's so far for now! I miss you all! *kisses*

P.S.: sorry for any misspellings its just that im really tired and im typing fast because i got to sleep =) fav part of the day! hehe!


Jmac's Grl!

The New School!

On Sunday, it was my first day in the new school, my friends were really there for me as it was hell because the whole atmosphere is just different and i missed my friends ALOT especially that everything reminded me of them :(

However, today was great! The timetable was sucky though, we had doubles of everything, like double Advansed Biology, then double Core Math, then double AS Chemistry, and finally double Mechanics! :(:( But for some reason, i enjoyed every second of the day, i laughed my butt off especially that my teachers are soo funny and they like me soo much becuase i always have my hand up knowing the answer:D:D:D:D call me a nerd or whatever, but trust me, it felt good!!

My best friend Reema and I kept on laughing during the lessons that we almost got kicked out! :lol: I never thought i would say this but i finally got the feeling of adapting in the new school! :D:D But i miss my other friends like HELL!!! i mean it! Redda you're one of them babe ;) like DUH! haha!

Blog later,


Jmac's Girl

A Change!

Today I have absorbed the actual idea that i am moving from my school when i finally took my file and registered in the new school! When my dad was signing the cheque, i teared and he tried to hug me but i pushed him away because if he did hug me then i would have even burst into more tears and make a total scene and a fool of myself!

I didn't choose to move, my dad decided and i just had to follow! It sucks when your parents make decisions that you're supposed to make! Maybe it's for the best even though i cant seem to realise that! They absolutely gave me no reason for moving me! I tried everything, all what they said was "we just don't like the school!"!! I mean i get it, my school doesn't have what you would call the best reputation but it's not bad, actually it's not even close to bad, but i guess my parents would disagree!

Thank God im moving to a school where i already have best freinds there! That's a big comfort! and the way they started talking about how much fun it will be and how excited they are, i got abit exctied too to be hoenst!

I can't believe summer is already over!! :roll:

Oh and i got my Arabic mark, i got an A :D:D yaay me! lol!

One more news... one of my best friends is coming from England this Wednesday :D:D I missed him so much, even though he practically calls me everyday!! :lol: :lol:


Jmac's Grl

A Loss!!

Yesterday, I received very bad news!

Remember the boy i told you who is in a coma due to a tragic accident?? Well yesterday he passed away! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( :cry:

I still can't beleive it!! Just a few months ago he was right infront of me and now.......hes nowhere near! He's so far far away!

My friends are trying to make it easy on me! But the more i think about it, the more insane i go!! But i guess time heals everything! Atleast that's what i would like to beleive!!


I GOT 5 A*s and 1 A in my IGCSEs :D:D:D:D

ok i can't beleive it, i got A*s in all three sciences :D:D you wont beleive how happy i am right now!! Even my mum was speechless when i first told her, my dad thought i was kidding and didnt beleive me until i showed him the information paper thingie, and my bro groaned about why the A is not an A*!! whatever, dont mind him, hes just jealous:P:P:P!! hehehe.

Btw, the A is in economics, and since its a VERY hard subject, im so proud of myself that i got it!! :D:D:D

I'm also proud of my friends, i mean they all did great and i was sooo happy for them!! :D:D

Then i went with bunch of girls and sat in starbucks chatting and sharing our life experiences, lol! Then we kept on walking, laughing, making fun of ppl and taking LOTS and LOTS of pics!! Oh and we even bought really big and cheap rings just to celeberate and have something to remind us of this great day!! And what made this day even more special, is that one of my best friends, confronted her ex, and discovered that he was feeling sooo miserable without her, and he was actaully infront of her begging her and expressing his feelings aloud!! It was like a scene from some kind of a cheesy romantic movie!! hehe!!

Then i went home, my paretns couldn't stop talking about it! So instead of having a headache, i am writing this now!! :D:D:D To share this great news with you guys!! :D:D:D Tom we are planning to go to this fancy resturant (we haven't chosen yet but as always we end up somewhere,lol) and celeberate!! Can't wait!! :D:D:D:D

Oh and my friends just sent me those bumper stickers that i like to share with you:





Hope you like 'em!! :D:D:D


Jmac's Grl

Burns :S

Sue the Sun

I know this sounds the strangest thing ever, but when I went swimming, I kinda sorta over sat in the sun...which resulted in the worst burns ever! I went to the hospital beleive it or not, I took a drip and a shot and lots of medication! :evil:

Well now im much better thank God, and those almost second degree burns are almost gone. Guess my friend was right, Snow White is neva meant to get a tan! :cry::lol:

And now, I'm DYING to get out of the house, it wasn't really boring because i finished Heroes =D SO COOL MAN! and almost finished with Gossip Girl, that is even cooler, and the guys in there are just ......OMG!!!!! I want one of those!! =( lol! I even told Redda to watch it and I dared her to know who is Gossip Girl from her voice, she promised she won't look it up first! hehe! Personally, I was shocked to figure out who she turned out to be! She's goooodd!! hehe!

Another thing that kinda ruined my night before yesterday was that I knew from one of my best friends that a guy in our school who's a year older than us is in a coma due to a tragic car accident! Ofcourse i took that news like a slap on the face! I mean that guy used to open the school's doors for me and exchange Good Mornings every morning :(:(:(:( I really do hope he wakes up and to get well soon! :(:(:(

Anyway, that's about it, praying for my friend to wake up, dying to go out but don't mind staying in as long as I have something to do! Like watching hott boys such as Nate and Dan!!! :lol::lol:


Jmac's Girl

Sis's Wedding!! =D

Yesterday was my sister's wedding. It was the best wedding EVER as it was a family wedding and everybody knows each other so basicly everybody danced and laughed and had fun!!

My sister looked like a princess with her spanish vale on sliding down her shoulders all the way to the bottom and the white dress dancing around her!

I actually cried when i saw ride the car once she got out of the house! Maybe because she was the only sister between my sisters that i grew up with and probably the closest of all, also sharing a room with her brought us even closer... so when i saw her leave i just couldn't imagine the room without her , or our fights when she keeps wearing my stuff without permission! :lol:

But i guess life is like that, you lose some you win some! Well this time i won ym own room, hehe, do whatever i want with it! I can even put Jesse's posters back on as she hates his guts! :evil::lol:

That's it for now, gotta go on with life! hehe!


Jmca's Grl

Jmac!! =D

Dreaming of him!!

ok..i admit it, i had a dream about Jesse McCartney and it was AWSOME!! 8) I woke up with a smile on my face that will keep me goin for next week probably! lol!:lol:

But DAYUM he looked so smoking hott, not like he is not always like that!!;) and all my friends were there at this party, and for some reason i seem to be seeing all the celeberities and then i wished that Jesse would just appear infront of me!! AND BOOM there he was arms outstretched towards me :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

It was the best EVER!! ofcourse the rest is for me not for you because alot of the people i knw seem to interfere in it... it always seems to be the same person getting there for no reason!! UGH!!

other than that, it all seemed so perfect!! If only it was true!!

I'm even playing his new CD now!! It's called "Departure".... COOL CD!!

Anyways I'll be back soon... gtg catch a tan since im whiter than casper!! lol!


Jmac's Grl

SUMMER babe!!


It's been a while since Í've written here but now that i am completely free, i can:D

It's the middle of summer, things are crazy...

weddings to plan.... places to go....people to visit...and finally, results to expect!! Yes... my IGCSE results :?

BUT... other than that, this is the best summer ever...i mean EVER!!! i got a voluntary job at this musuem for children, it's soooo cool, i know that dealing with children may not be the best way to spend your summer but having something to wake up for and doing something to other people gives me the boost!!

I am seeing my friends almost every now and then but i still miss them SO much!! Even when they're near me!! I still miss them!!

Thats all so far!!

write l8r


Jmac's Grl

Sooo Exciting!! =D

This is Sooo Exciting!!!

ok..this is my 1st blog and im writing n when i look outside the window all i see is a white colour covering everything around!! YES!! IT IS SNOWING!!

it is snowing for the second time this year!! =D=D

i soo luv winter!! it's soo cosy even though it's really cold!! what's wrong now with a cup of hot cuppuccino while watching the snow flicker around?? huh?? aahhh this is soo cool!!!

i can't waittill tom morning!!i'm gonna play and have the best of time =D hopefully!! lol!!

what a good way to start my 1st blog =D!!