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*Racingfan17 Blog

Braces Off!

I got my braces of today! I need to get a retanier though. They sent a goodie bag full of treats. So I was just happy to have them off.

In other news I herd on the news there were peole complaining about privacy of blogs. I mean do people realized that this is on the INTERNET. ANYONE can read it. I've dealeted things beacuse of this. I also don't use my frenids names. I know my posts can be confusing when I say my, freied my frend but idk if they want it flashed on the internet. So that is all.

Have a nice day!


Well in the computer Lab my science teacher had us vertually(thank God:D) dissect a pearch. We had to cut a part out. I raised my hand and said I can't. He tried and ried. He said refresh it. I did. I STILL couldn't get it. So I said this. He said did you cut here. I pointed out where to cut. He snapped back I KNOW! :evil: O.K I kind of shut my mouth after that. So that is how my day went. Any questions? No, I thought not! :)

Have a nice day!

Level 11?

I subbitted last week. I jumped from Level 6 to 11 in one submission? Must be a glitch. Oh well I like it. Sorry for the short one I just felt the urge to blog!

Have a nice day!

Spirit Week

:)This week is spirit week at school. The schools big tourney is this wekend. 2day was PJ Day. It is the easiest to get dresed for. My regimine for morning. Wake up, put on boxers and socks, SLEEP for another 30 min!:)

Monday : PJ Day

Tuse : Wacky Hair/ Clash

Wed: Dress your best

Turs Beach day

Fri Blue & Gold

Well tomm I spray my hair blue.

WED I will just have an ice sweter and black jeans.

THURs I will have shorts and t-shirt w/a hat The only excuse to wear shorts in Feb!:D Finally get to wear a hat in school!

Fri : half-Day Pep rally before dissmisal. WE need to avenge our loss of the megaphone. lost it for the first time in 5 years. We trke thsi seriously!!

So I hope school is going well. Oh because no one from my bad team showed up I don't play. We won anyway.

I hope you noticed the top. I officaly endorsed Barack Obama! LOL But really...

I won't preach to you because most of you can't vote (nethier can I) but I think he is the right man for the job.

So That's all folks!

Have a nice day!

Level 6

Horray! I am Level 6!!!! One small step at a time! But I have to go to the leauge playoffs for basketball. I got put on the bad team this year! only won 1 game. So if your are wondering why I din't post anything that is why. The good team:roll: who is undefeated got a bye. Since our season is done. And 2 players were acdemically inelgablie I got a call up if you will. Also I got the part I wanted in the school play. Practices don't start coming 3 times a week until after basketball. So anyhow I hope you all have been doing well.

Have a nice day!


O.K. first Happy new Year! It's been awile. P.S(Thanks Nickel for the siteabout the icons!) Anyway about that party...

It was intresting. The biggest thing is that a girl fell from a pole. Yeah:roll: I guess after about 7 or 8 Dews it is hard to keep all that energy.(About the soda we had about 144 cans of MD).So I played Gutiar Hero. I never have and it was fun. I am kind of not popular so knowone really know whatIam good at. I totally ruled at ping-pong. So this girl (diffrent one;)) said to you want to play and I was like Sure. So we got a game that lasted 30 Min. Then othes just had to play. I also won the dart tournement. I played a lot at my own house(see What I got for X-Mas blog) so that was fun. We had a bit too much sparkling jucie so we all kind of crashed. Luckly there were only 12 people at this party. 4 Guys 8 Girls! But at 1am My Dad picked me up. I feel alseep at 3. I had to because family coming over for New Years Day. But I think this is enough rambling.

Side Note: I dissected worms the other day. It was kinda gross. There was this black goo squriting out of the stomach!:o I'll end thsi blog on a reminder to myself to make more reviews. I want ot be level 10 by September. So I will get cracking!

Have a nice day!

I need help!

Does anyone know where to get good avatars? I can't find any> I serch Google images. I get good pics but I can't get any 80 x80 or I can't get them to be 80 x80 so can anyone help?

Have a nice day!

What I got for Christmas

Hello! here is what I got for Christmas. OH and before I forget. I was invited to a New years eve party. Iam going but to get in you have to bring a 12 pack of Mountain Dew! The first thing my Mom asked Will his parents be there all night? Yes Mom!:roll: But that should be fun. I will blog about this at 3am!

1) A dictonary and thesuraus

2) 2007 Brewers team card set w/album

3) Risk

4) A Remington Pump shotgun

My Brother and I got combined gifts...

5) Shrek the Third

6) Electronic Dart board

7) Nerf football


1) Gloves

2) Cabela's Gift card

3) Barnes and Nobel gift card

4) 2008 Packers Calnder with some candy.

This wan't wrapped but I got an ablum of stamps from 1972! You probobly won't find this intresting but I think it is cool.:D So anyway hope all of you hada very Merry Christmas!

Have a nice day!


Hi and Merry Christmas to all! I was cleaning out my desktop and I found this. I got a binder last year for English. It had Ecomoitions (sp?) on it. You couldn't keep it soI took it home for homework and copied them all down on a document.

Here it is...

| - ) ---------------------- hee hee

: - ( ----------------------- sad

:-@ -------------------- screaming

%-) ------------------ confused

*8- | ------------------- nerd

: - ) ( -: ------------ married

8-] -------------------- wow, man

:- \ ---------------- undecided

: , ( ---------------- crying

:-r ------------- sticking tongue out

:-S --------------- incoherent

:-& ----------------- tongue tied

:-{} ------------------ blowing a kiss

~:-0 ------------------- baby

:-V ----------------- shouting

( : | ------------------ egg head

:-6 -------------------- exhausted

: * ----------------- kisses

^ 5 -------------------- high five

'- ) --------------- just kidding

};-> -------------- devil

%-} --------------- amused

:O --------------- shocked

\-o ----------- bored

0:) ------------ angel

: - ) --------------- smile

:Q -------------- what?

:' -) --------------- crying with joy

:-* -------------- oops

8) -------------- froggy

| -0 -------------- yawning

: ( ) ---------------- can't stop talking

Have a nice day!

Snow Day/Banner

What's up yall! I just saw we got a snow day! Yeah! But anyway I just figured out how to make a banner. It is for It is cool. The give you a word. If you get the definition correct it donates 20 grains of rice to Bangledsh. (Go ahead look on a map!) I got my own avatar That I found! Did all of yoyu finish Christmas shopping? I jus tneed to get my cla$s gift (Monster:D) and I going to pick up a gift for my grandpa! It is a framed poster of the USMC (the marines!) So be safe out there!

Have a nice day!