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Hi and Merry Christmas to all! I was cleaning out my desktop and I found this. I got a binder last year for English. It had Ecomoitions (sp?) on it. You couldn't keep it soI took it home for homework and copied them all down on a document.

Here it is...

| - ) ---------------------- hee hee

: - ( ----------------------- sad

:-@ -------------------- screaming

%-) ------------------ confused

*8- | ------------------- nerd

: - ) ( -: ------------ married

8-] -------------------- wow, man

:- \ ---------------- undecided

: , ( ---------------- crying

:-r ------------- sticking tongue out

:-S --------------- incoherent

:-& ----------------- tongue tied

:-{} ------------------ blowing a kiss

~:-0 ------------------- baby

:-V ----------------- shouting

( : | ------------------ egg head

:-6 -------------------- exhausted

: * ----------------- kisses

^ 5 -------------------- high five

'- ) --------------- just kidding

};-> -------------- devil

%-} --------------- amused

:O --------------- shocked

\-o ----------- bored

0:) ------------ angel

: - ) --------------- smile

:Q -------------- what?

:' -) --------------- crying with joy

:-* -------------- oops

8) -------------- froggy

| -0 -------------- yawning

: ( ) ---------------- can't stop talking

Have a nice day!