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*RavenFreak120 Blog

Adios amigos!

I am leaving now for about a week -- I'll be back briefly next Friday 8/18 -- and then I am leaving early Saturday morning (8/19) for another week. While out, I cannot access However, I will breifly check in between trips. See you later! Don't have too much fun without me! :)

What's wrong with my level?

In the event that someone might read this, I am posting the following blog: What's wrong with my level?! Currently, it says I am at Level 0. I am hoping it's some glitch, which it probably is. Hope it stops soon. Oh, and I'm still not editor.

What's going on? Can somebody please help me?

Okay... so I know there's like a six month block between this post and the last time I blogged... I usually don't do it, but in the hopes that someone might read this, I have posted this: I am a full twentysomething points ahead of our current editor... and I'm not editor? How can this be? Anyone know the answer. PM me. Thx.

Happy New Year!

Yes... Yes... I still exist as a member of the community...even if I haven't been blogging regularly... Um... well... Happy new year everybody! Time to achieve new goals... and do new things! Have an awesome 2006!

Wow... it's been long since I blogged!

I have been so piled with schoolwork that I haven't had time to blog. Anyway, due to the work! I can blog! Anyway, in case you all forgot about me... no no. I am still part of, going strong.. I'm number 5 Contributor for That's So Raven and am heading onto Level 7 in my general position at Great! So excited... Happy holidays!

Two days in and I'm on Level 3!

Wow! I have contributed so much to so many shows...and feel really really glad that my contributions could help! Hence... I have rose to Level 3 (1%) Really really glad! I've contributed majorly to "That's So Raven" as well as minor contributions on behalf of "Suite Life of Zack and Cody", "Full House", and "Phil of the Future".

Rockin' out on my first day as contributor!

The title is actually a metaphor... these moderators are the BEST!!! They enjoy my ideas!!! Some of them this morning weren't really working out, but this afternoon, I made a few..and now... my work is up on the Web! Cool! So glad I joined... Thank You Moderators! Until next time...
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