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*Reid_luver Blog

WOW!! Crazy Life Update!!!!

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time, but school has been a killer!!! Thankfully this will all be over on Tuesday, when this nightmare is over with! I'm so excited, because I'll finally have a life and be able to do things that I want! Yay!!!

Oh, and if you haven't already, check out my fanfiction! My author URL is down below. See ya!!!!

Story update

All right, I've followed jadedragon500's advice and am now going to post my fic on I've updated my profile so you can see my story, and hope you enjoy!! :)

Totally Ready for Spring Break

Hey all!!! I haven't been able to update my story yet, because I'm swamped in HW, but I'll try and update it as soon as I can!!

Anyway, I hope you all have a great Spring Break (or if you've already had it, I hope you enjoyed it)

Our band is going to Disneyworld, and I'm TOTALLY EXCITED!!!!!!! 10 more days, and I'll be free from everything for a whole week!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! No HW, duties, parents, or any obligations!!! Yeah!!! :D

Happy Birthday MGG!!!!

MGG is 27 today!!!

Actually, it was yesterday, but I came home at 10:30 from track then our musical Oklahoma! and did homework until about 1:30, and got about 3 hours of sleep!!! Crazy. I'm really tired, but I just had to wish him a Happy B-Day!!

Here's some fun facts about him that I found on Kirsten Vangness's blog about MGG:

"3 things I love about Matthew Gray Gubler:

  1. First thing he does when he sees you is ask 3-7 questions having to do exclusively with you i.e. 'Hey, Kirsten where'd you get those shoes? Is your hair different? I like that band I heard coming out of your trailer yesterday.'
  2. He makes up crazy songs that usually begin with, 'The Gube is so awesome' and he'll often try to fing things that rhyme with your last name, which is really fun if your last name is Vangsness.
  3. He makes his own clothes. For instance, he came to work today with a t-shirt with an iron-on transfer with a drawing of Bill Cosby in a very colorful sweater, eating jello. Awesome."

Isn't that cool?!?!?!?!? Here's the site:

Enjoy!!! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MGG!!!!

(hottest guy eva!!)

Unleashed, part 3

      "Ashley Warren's car was found in the college parking lot with her purse on the ground, and by the fact that her contents were strewn about, it can be assumed that it was dropped, meaning that she didn't leave forcefully. The librarian said she saw Ashley leave the library at 10:30pm, but that there was no one with her," JJ continued briefing.

      "Were there security cameras that caught anything?" Reid asked.

      "No, during the day they had experienced some technical dificulties with the connections in some areas, so the sercurity team waited until 10pm to shut them all down for repairs."

      "So the unsub must have known about the security cameras and had enough access to tamper with them," Gideon observed as he perused over the case file.

      "The only question is, how did he know that Ashely would be at the library that late at night?" Prentiss wondered aloud. "From the wounds inflicted on her, the unsub didn't murder her randomly. It was on purpose and for a specific reason."

      "Which means that she must know him or he is a stalker," Hotch stated.

      It was broad daylight in Williamsport, and the BAU team pulled out of two black cars in front of the local police station where they would set up. As they were walking up Gideon pulled Prentiss aside.

     "If you want, your sister could stay with you at night and help us get as much information about the unsub as possible. She knows her way around the college, and it would make it easier for students to give us information if she is with us," he said softly and assuringly.

      Prentiss breathed a quick sigh of relief. If her sister was in her plain sight the whole time until the unsub was caught, then she could know for sure that she'd be safe. The last thing she wanted was for another screw up to happen that she could have prevented, like last time.

      "That would be appreciated." She put on her case face again. "Would it be all right if I called her?"

      Gideon smiled and waved his hand. "By all means."

      Prentiss nodded and turned aside as she drew out her cell phone from her pocket.

      Gideon faced the direction of the rest of his teammates and hurried his pace to catch up with them.

       "Officer Dickerson, this is Agent Gideon, Agent Morgan, Dr. Reid, and Agent Jareau," Hotch introduced, pointing to each in turn. The tall, muscular officer shook each person's hand in turn. His head was almost bald except for the hazel wisps of hair that formed a crown along the side of his head, and he had an exhausted expression.

      "Thank you for coming," he began, voice booming, "I've never seen anything like this." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "There have been some disturbing deaths I've seen, but never in all my 25 years of working in the force has there been a case quite like this." The officer glanced at them sadly. "What kind of person would take out another human's brains?"

       "That's exactly what we're here for, and to make sure it doesn't happen again," Hotch consoled him. Then he focused his attention to the BAU. "JJ, you get the rest of the information the department has on these cases. Morgan, Gideon and I will accomplany Officer Dickerson to the crime scenes, while Reid, you and Prentiss will go to the college campus and try to find out as much information from the students as you can."

       "One of the students will also accompany you," Gideon added. With that everyone went their separate ways.

Unleashed, part 2

     "All ambitions are lawful except those that climb upward on the miseries or cruelties of mankind, Henry Ward Beecher," is heard in the background, spoken by Reid.

     The team is in the conference room, with JJ briefing them on a new case. Behind her on the screen are pictures of three girls and a map is in the background.

     "These are the crime scene photos of three college girls, who have been killed by the same unsub in Williamsport, Pennsylvania." She points to the pictures displayed on the table. As she says each name in turn, their picture is seen.

     "Their names are Heather Garton, Sharon Karn, and the most recent, Ashley Warren who was found yesterday. All girls were found in the park near a college with their shirts ripped off, and a large letter F branded onto their chest-" the focus turns to a picture of one of the girls' stomach. There is a large red and bleeding welt in the shape of an F that covers her whole chest. It changes focus on the rest of her body as JJ finishes, "-as well as the words Liar and Cheater on their arms. They were raped, and then murdered by lethal injection."

     "However, that's not the worst part about it." JJ sighed and bit her lip, then said slowly, "Each girl's brain was surgically removed."

     Gideon rubbed his forehead, as if it hurt to process the information. Hotch starts blinking as if his eyes are dry and pretended to be distracted by something to his right. Reid just stared at the pictures of the girls on the screen, his mouth wide open and looked sick. Prentiss shook her head as if to clear it and slowly puts one hand to her forehead as if she has a headache. Morgan closed his eyes painfully, opened them, and glanced up sadly.

     "So the unsub brands the girls, rapes them, kills them, and then takes their brain as a consolation prize?" Morgan wondered aloud incredulously.

     "Or, he could believe that the girls deserved to be punished and he was on a mission, like doing God's will," Reid begins darkly, remembering his past experiences. "By branding them with the words, Liar and Cheater he is proclaiming why he did it. The only question is, what does F mean?"

     "It could be his signature, letting people know that it was him," Gideon suggested softly.

     "What college were the girls found near?" Prentiss inquired.

     "Haron University," JJ answered.

     Prentiss's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything further.

     "Is there anything these girls could have done to provoke someone to call them a liar and cheater?" Hotch asked.

     "No. All three girls were involved in the school, got good grades, and have absolutely no criminal record. From the information in their files, they are low profile," JJ anounced as she held a large file in her hand.

     The team was silent for a moment, then Gideon ordered, "The plane will leave in half an hour for Williamsport. We'll continue debriefing there." At that everyone except Prentiss quickly left the room. When Gideon came to the door, he turned around to face Prentiss, who was just getting out of her chair.

     "Who do you know in Williamsport?" he asked concernedly.

     Prentiss looked a little startled, but then said fearfully, "My younger sister goes to Haron University."

Unleashed, part 1

      The story begins with a red-haired girl doing homework at a library. It is dark outside and there is hardly anyone there. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes and glances at the clock across the room. Groaning, she begins to garner her many pieces of paper that are strewn about the table and places them all neatly into a binder, zips up her green backpack, and quickly strides out the door.

      Once outside, she passes a sign that reads, "Haron University Parking." A few cars zoom past across the street, and crickets are heard faintly in the background. She makes her way to a light blue truck and fumbles through her purse, scrambling to find her keys; mumbling as she does so angrily.

      All of the sudden a hand flies out from behind and covers her mouth with a white cloth. Terrified, she releases her purse and attempts to escape. After a couple seconds of struggling, her grip slackens and she slumps into the arms of a person obscured in the shadows. The person then places their arms around her waist and drags her to a car three parking spaces to the left, and tosses her into the back seat. Once the person is inside, they start up the car and speed off and join traffic outside the parking lot.

Never Mind

Never mind what I said about the forum. :cry: Apparently it is invalid. I looked back at the forum rules, and they ruled out fan fiction. Guess it kind of was, but I was going to use it as speculation so people could show what they figured would happen. Oh well. I'm really disappointed, becuase I love writing stories, and I wish people would be able to read it, because I came up with a great idea. :(

Oh well, I'll post my fiction here!! Hope you like it.

Check out my Criminal Minds forum!!!

Hey everyone!! Man, have I been busy!! Track has started and now our school musical Oklahoma! is being performed.

Anyway, the next new CM ep is on March 21st, and that's only tentative, so I decided to set up a CM forum where people can make up their own ep, with a story including one of the team members; getting more into why they do what they do. It's kind of like our predictions, but in a cooler way, in story form. I enjoy writing stories, and I have been thinking of my own ep for a long time now, so I thought others would too!!! Of course, I'll never be as good as the professional CM writers, but oh well.

So, please, check out the forum, it's entitled, Fill the CM void. Thanks!!! :wink:

Reid's problem

Wow, Reid was brutal tonight. A side we don't usually see of him, and although I enjoyed the Reid time, it didn't work.

Here's my quick thought. Perhaps the thing with Reid will take a heavy blow with his rival, so in Ashes and Dust this might be confronted, where he will break. I think that that ep (which won't air until April 11th!!!!) will be at a time where the team with be in a less frantic case, so they'll have more time to deal with Reid. So, I think that it will deal with a drug user, and the team will offer points about addiction throught the show as part of their profile, and each one with have a flashback about Reid that pertains to that symptom. Morgan will flash back to the plane, Emily to his rudeness, Garcia to him hanging up on her, Hotch to being late, or whatever. At the end of the ep, with the exception of Reid, they will meet and discuss the similarities of Reid and the addicted, and it will end with them asking Reid to come into a room and sit down, they have something to talk to him about.

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