MGG is 27 today!!!
Actually, it was yesterday, but I came home at 10:30 from track then our musical Oklahoma! and did homework until about 1:30, and got about 3 hours of sleep!!! Crazy. I'm really tired, but I just had to wish him a Happy B-Day!!
Here's some fun facts about him that I found on Kirsten Vangness's blog about MGG:
"3 things I love about Matthew Gray Gubler:
- First thing he does when he sees you is ask 3-7 questions having to do exclusively with you i.e. 'Hey, Kirsten where'd you get those shoes? Is your hair different? I like that band I heard coming out of your trailer yesterday.'
- He makes up crazy songs that usually begin with, 'The Gube is so awesome' and he'll often try to fing things that rhyme with your last name, which is really fun if your last name is Vangsness.
- He makes his own clothes. For instance, he came to work today with a t-shirt with an iron-on transfer with a drawing of Bill Cosby in a very colorful sweater, eating jello. Awesome."
Isn't that cool?!?!?!?!? Here's the site:
Enjoy!!! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MGG!!!!
(hottest guy eva!!)