Numb3rs: Ambush
On the California city streets Megan Reeves was walking along just like any other day, happy to not be working that day. One of the few times she could walk around the city without her gun and FBI gear. "Hey Lady!" A man who appeared to be homeless said. 'Im in no hurry.' She thought, sure she was warry of strange people in the city but alot of them were sincerly helpless. She walked over to the man. He was in a dark corner... 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea.' Her concience was still saying to go despite her second thoughts, she might regret it if she didn't. "You need somethin' sir?" She asked staying a good distance from the man. "You bet I do!" He said. He wasn't a homeless man, just a part of a plan. She began to back up when a man put her in a choke hold. she punched him even though she was struggling for air. She began to run when anothere man grabbed her and threw her into the alley's brick wall. She was suddenly dizzy. she tried to fight but couldn't tell which of the many men standing there were really there and not just the head trauma's effects. Another man kneed her in the stomach. she folded over in pain. She thought she might die. she was in so much pain she almost wanted to. The five men continued kicking her while she was down. She began to lose conceousness. she began coughing up blood. and the last thing she saw was the man in front of her's feet.
About 15 minutes later. A man had walked into the alley, he saw Megan and called the ambulance on her cell phone. He was interogated by the police as it was obvious she had been assulted.
Meanwhile on the ambulance. The doctors are frantically trying to save Megan's life. "Charging 150 clear!" they were trying there hardest. "Charging 200 clear!" "300 clear!" finally a heart rhythm. "There is major blood loss, we need the B + and hurry!!! " A doctor yelled! Megan was still unconcious. sure they may have regained a rhythm, but they were unsure about brain function. They arrived at the hospital and hurried to a room. Megan opened her eyes for a second and said one word. "FBI." she said before slipping into a coma. "She said something guys!FBI!" A male nurse said. "Yo Hodginds go call the FBI tell them we need um here and fast..mention a Megan Reeves." the doctor said.
in the lobby, "Yes this is Nurse Lara Hodginds, Um one of your agents is critically injured to the point of possible death. " "Well who is it?" Don Eppes the agent on the phone said. "Agent Megan Reeves." "Oh My Gosh! Your the L.A ER at 1311 right?" Don was worried. "Yeah." "I'll be down there in 3 minutes," he said hanging up. "But it's a 15 minute drive." she said hanging up Her phone.
A little later that day. Don was in Megans room.They had monitors and IV's all around her. "Megan...Im sorry, I mean I know there was nothing I could do but you could die, or be permently damaged, and I feel responcible. You know I wish it was like the movies where the one person would talk to the coma patient or whatever and They'd wake up and be fine. But They say you might not even wake up..." There wasn't really alot of romantic sparks between them but Don cared deeply for her. For all of his agents at that. Don kissed Megan's battered face. He left the room only to be met by a man he hadn't seen before. He was about Charlie's age. clear complection, green eyes, curly light brown hair.
"Your agent Eppes?" "yah who's asking?" "No Im the guy that called 911." "You did this to her you Jerk of a Devil!" Don slammed him against the wall. "No agent Eppes, Im as worried for her as you are, I had never seen her a day in my life until I saw her half dead in a pool of blood in an alley. I would never want anyone to be hurt...I know what its like." He said. Don backed up slowly. "Im sorry Im just worried about her." Don said leaving the ER.
About a month later Charlie had heard about Megan a few days after she was injured. He nearly reverted to P vrs. NP. Amita,Larry and Don were the only ones keeping him from going overboard. Even though they were shaken as well.
Don was in the basement was a change of role for him. Normally he was upstairs bottling in his emotions and Charlie in the basement. He took a drink of the glass in front of him. It was just soda but Alan and Charlie were worried he might do something they would regret if he drunk beer. Charlie walked down the stairs mumbling something to himself. "Don You gotta get better man. We all are trying." "Charlie it's been a month. and she still hasn't come out of the coma. Im beggining to lose all hope." Don said blankly without turning his head. "Don. You know if you were in a coma Megan would still have hope." "She alwasy was like that." "Don. It's time to move on, You can still have hope and still worry about her, But you have to move on." "You know buddy your starting to sound like me." Don turned around. Charlie smiled his brother would be better soon..he could tell
Don's cell rang. "Agent Eppes. We need you down here at the Mainway Hospital. We have news on Agent Reeves." "Tell me." Don sat up. "We just need you down here." Don feared the worse. Normally when the had news to tell you in person it was bad. Don and Charlie headed to the car. Don needed someone with him so he would'nt go over the deep end.
At the hospital. Don and Charlie walked in. "Agent Eppes..." "Yeah you met my brother Charlie. Were here to see Doctor Haynes about Megan." "Oh He in his office."
In Dr. Haynes' office. "Agent...professor...I didn't think it would be good of me to tell you over the phone but now I can't bare to tell you in person. follow me." they nodded and got in the elevator. 'oh no...this has happened before were going down to the lower floors...the morgue...' Don thought. But the elevator stopped 10 floors before the morgue. They went into a room labled. 'room 122' There they saw Megan with her eyes open breathing off of the resporater they had had her on. "She woke up...she can't say much and she can't walk...But shes still here...Alive.." the doctor said. "A....Alive?" Don asked. "yes. And resonsive meaning there is brain function still." Don walked over. He grabbed Megans hand as he sat down... "Do you remember anything?" he asked. "Don..." was all she said. Don laughed...sincerly glad. Charlie walked over. "Megan. Um Im sorry about what happened." "Don', Charlie." She said. the bruises on her face had went away. But unfortunatly broken ribs and other bones didn't heal as fast. "How long?" Megan asked. "how long were you out?" Don asked her if thats what she was asking. She nodded "a month." the Doctor said.
"A long one too." Don joked.
2 months later. Megan had went to physical treatment so she could relearn how to walk and do other stuff. she again learned how to talk and would return to work today.
"Are you sure your coming in?" Don asked over the phone. "Yes Don. You've only asked me a million times..." "I just thought it might be to soon ya know?" "Don. Im fine." "You sure you don't need a psycologist."
"Don I am a psycologist, can you just let me come to work?" "Yah, I ain't stopping you." Megan shook her head. "Goodbye Don." She hung the phone up on him. She grabbed her jacket but in the process looked at the massive scars on her arm. She again shook her head in disgust. She headed out the door to begin normal life...again........