Hello I'm Veronica and if your reading this you must be bored. :P
Anywho:shock:, HEEHEE. My favorite shows right now are Doctor Who and Torchwood and I watch them religiously when they premiere. Seriously, if I don't get my weekly dosage of Who and Torchie I am PMS psycho for the rest of the week.
You got to admit that RTD makes one mean show. He's like the king of cool dorks8) forever for bringing back DW and giving us Torchie and SarahJane.
I absolutely LOVE Doctor Who! Series 2 is still my favorite (I don't care for Martha, except for when she's on Torchie.) especially The Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, The Impossible Plant/The Satan Pit and The Girl in the Fireplace. Those episodes are by far some of the best stories of NewWho.
The best episodes of Series 3 for me were Utopia(Jack's Back!), Human Nature/The Family of Blood, The Sound of Drums, and (of course) Blink(Making Who scary even for adults).
Anyways, you can probably tell by my avatar who my favorite companion is: The magnificent Rose Marion Tyler, AKA, The Bad Wolf(Hopefully making a return in Series 4). I just loved the energy she shared with the 9th and 10th Doctor, they were so cute together. I think he was completely bananas about her(Oh, yeah, I went there!) and hope their reunion will be just as memorable as their seperation.
Gotta say that I am LOVING Torchwood Series 2 so far. The only qualm I have with the show is: STOP BEING MEAN TO TOSH! I mean we are finally gonna get some Tosh/Owen action and then they make Owen a zombie who cant have any action. COME ON! I am still totally rooting for OwenZombie/Tosh though.(They had their first kiss in DMW.:D)
If ya haden't guessed Tosh is my favorite character(Besides Jack. You gotta love Jack.). She's so cute you can't help but feel for the girl.
LOVE Janto soooo cute together.
My favorite episodes so far this series are Dead Man Walking, Reset, Adam, KissKissBangBang, and To the Last Man.
I'll bother ya more in a couple days after I've seen A Day in Death.
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