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*RoneRaeLovesWHO Blog

Squeeness Again (Regarding Doctor Who)

Oh my gosh, I am hyperventilating after seeing the coming soon trailer!

AHHHHHHH! I want Rose back now!

Speaking of, did anyone else notice how bad ass she looked? She is by far the coolest new companion. She freaking blew up a car! (Not that I condone the explosion of cars.) There's big gun action! Rose has a big gun!

She's become the epitome of badass female companions. (Sorry, Ace fans.)

Although her tough demeanor and ominous warning has me a little intimidated. Hopefully when she sees the Doctor again she'll become a little of her old self.

And the Doctor.... his face when he said "Yes" to Rose's return being good.... I teared up a wee bit.

The finale of Series 4 is gonna rock!

I HAVE to go there.

What the heck? How dare they kill Toshiko Sato? She was by far the most valuable member of Torchwood. They are going to be lost without her. She made the job so easy for them whenever they needed something it was always like, "Hey Tosh could you do so and so for me although I obviously have hands of my own" and most of the time she was the only one who could get Torchwood into the places they needed. They are so screwed.

I'm upset about Owen as well but when Martha was introduced and he died the show was kinda screaming he was going to be killed off. I was not expecting Tosh to go and it was heartbreaking and oh my god that video made me cry. Although the worst bit was still the goodbye scene between herself and Owen, especially the "Because your breaking my heart" line and the fact she didn't tell him she was hurt, that made me bawl to the point of boogies.

I am so mad I could scream and so upset I could cry.

The only thing that made it halfway okay to kill Tosh was the fact that her death was written so beautifully. I mean she died the way I expected she would, she went out fighting the good fight, and she never gave up even with a bullet in her gut. She died with honour and grace and she also had the chance to finally learn the man she had always loved loved her back.

I also thought it was so moving that Owen could except his death because she was with him and that she could except hers in Jack's arms, and that they both found peace in each other at the end. They really died together.

Even though I'm still really mad, I'm glad that my favorite character got such a beautiful exit and memorium by her friends. RIP Tosh as I hope for a second pair of risen mittens.


We get to see Rose cock the big gun! She's gone all Milla Jovovich, Linda Hamilton, and Summer Glau on us being seperated from the Doctor. AWESOMENESS!

Come on big shippy Rose and Doctor scene! (As in snogging:D.)

If they kill Rose and make me as well as the Doctor cry many people will suffer!

You know who you are and I will find you!

I'll be back to rant some more later.


HELLO InTheGiggleLoop

Just wanted to say I liked your Rose poem. VERY cute.:)

And now on to my usual shipment (Thats what I call it when I go on a ship rant.):

Rose is back!!! Yayness. The rumors of her having no interaction with the Doctor have been disproven by planetgallifrey. More Yayness!

Theres big gun action. Rose has a big gun!

Captain Jack, the Doctor and Rose get to hang out again! (Well run and fight for their lives, but they're nutters anyways. You know they love it.)

Series 4 is gonna be awesome!

TW Series 2: A Day in Death

Two words: Loved it. Loved it so much in fact that I watched it all over again right after it ended.

It was absolutely brilliant. I loved the way it was put together, first you think the episodes gonna be "A Day in the life of Owen", and then it turns out that its a flashback episode with Owen slowling telling Maggie how he overcame the despair of being the living dead, and trying to convince her not to commit suicide and look for some hope.( I also love how Owen didn't tell Maggie he was trying to help her until he finishes his story, its like he was saying," My life has been worse than yours and if I can find a reason to exist, so can you.") I loved the resolution of the episode when Owen says, "This is my life." It really tells you how much his outlook has changed since the beginning of his journey.

Although, I didn't like Owen's attitude towards Tosh in the scene at his flat. I mean she obviously came over because she was worried about him and wanted to make him feel as if nothing had changed between them, and then he throws her affection for him back in her face and calls her twisted. (I only think he did it because whenever someone trys to get close to him and help him he pushes them away.)

I'm really glad he apologized to her about that though, because the things he said were so cruel that I'm surprised Tosh even forgave him.

And as a Tosh/Owen fan girl I gotta say I LOVE (almost) all the scenes between Owen and Tosh in this episode. Especially since Owen and Tosh have become so close, enough so that Owen can confide in her and tell her how scared he is. I love the fact that Tosh has become Owen's emotional rock. Go OwenZombie/Tosh!

Side note: I think Martha did a wonderful job in Torchwood and her character has developed nicely. She went from that love sick whiney young women in Doctor Who, to a strong and confident adult in Torchwood. I found the change in her character really refreshing and I hope she will bring that change into Doctor Who Series 4. I also found her interactions with the TW gang very cute, especially with the boys.

Anyways, it was a fantastic episode that really let us inside Owen's heart, and I think his arc throughout DMW and ADID were done very well. (I am loving Series 2.) And I'm looking forward to more great episodes like this in the coming weeks.

See Ya Later.

Favorite Shows and Characters

Hello I'm Veronica and if your reading this you must be bored. :P

Anywho:shock:, HEEHEE. My favorite shows right now are Doctor Who and Torchwood and I watch them religiously when they premiere. Seriously, if I don't get my weekly dosage of Who and Torchie I am PMS psycho for the rest of the week.

You got to admit that RTD makes one mean show. He's like the king of cool dorks8) forever for bringing back DW and giving us Torchie and SarahJane.

I absolutely LOVE Doctor Who! Series 2 is still my favorite (I don't care for Martha, except for when she's on Torchie.) especially The Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, The Impossible Plant/The Satan Pit and The Girl in the Fireplace. Those episodes are by far some of the best stories of NewWho.

The best episodes of Series 3 for me were Utopia(Jack's Back!), Human Nature/The Family of Blood, The Sound of Drums, and (of course) Blink(Making Who scary even for adults).

Anyways, you can probably tell by my avatar who my favorite companion is: The magnificent Rose Marion Tyler, AKA, The Bad Wolf(Hopefully making a return in Series 4). I just loved the energy she shared with the 9th and 10th Doctor, they were so cute together. I think he was completely bananas about her(Oh, yeah, I went there!) and hope their reunion will be just as memorable as their seperation.

Gotta say that I am LOVING Torchwood Series 2 so far. The only qualm I have with the show is: STOP BEING MEAN TO TOSH! I mean we are finally gonna get some Tosh/Owen action and then they make Owen a zombie who cant have any action. COME ON! I am still totally rooting for OwenZombie/Tosh though.(They had their first kiss in DMW.:D)

If ya haden't guessed Tosh is my favorite character(Besides Jack. You gotta love Jack.). She's so cute you can't help but feel for the girl.

LOVE Janto soooo cute together.

My favorite episodes so far this series are Dead Man Walking, Reset, Adam, KissKissBangBang, and To the Last Man.

I'll bother ya more in a couple days after I've seen A Day in Death.