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TW Series 2: A Day in Death

Two words: Loved it. Loved it so much in fact that I watched it all over again right after it ended.

It was absolutely brilliant. I loved the way it was put together, first you think the episodes gonna be "A Day in the life of Owen", and then it turns out that its a flashback episode with Owen slowling telling Maggie how he overcame the despair of being the living dead, and trying to convince her not to commit suicide and look for some hope.( I also love how Owen didn't tell Maggie he was trying to help her until he finishes his story, its like he was saying," My life has been worse than yours and if I can find a reason to exist, so can you.") I loved the resolution of the episode when Owen says, "This is my life." It really tells you how much his outlook has changed since the beginning of his journey.

Although, I didn't like Owen's attitude towards Tosh in the scene at his flat. I mean she obviously came over because she was worried about him and wanted to make him feel as if nothing had changed between them, and then he throws her affection for him back in her face and calls her twisted. (I only think he did it because whenever someone trys to get close to him and help him he pushes them away.)

I'm really glad he apologized to her about that though, because the things he said were so cruel that I'm surprised Tosh even forgave him.

And as a Tosh/Owen fan girl I gotta say I LOVE (almost) all the scenes between Owen and Tosh in this episode. Especially since Owen and Tosh have become so close, enough so that Owen can confide in her and tell her how scared he is. I love the fact that Tosh has become Owen's emotional rock. Go OwenZombie/Tosh!

Side note: I think Martha did a wonderful job in Torchwood and her character has developed nicely. She went from that love sick whiney young women in Doctor Who, to a strong and confident adult in Torchwood. I found the change in her character really refreshing and I hope she will bring that change into Doctor Who Series 4. I also found her interactions with the TW gang very cute, especially with the boys.

Anyways, it was a fantastic episode that really let us inside Owen's heart, and I think his arc throughout DMW and ADID were done very well. (I am loving Series 2.) And I'm looking forward to more great episodes like this in the coming weeks.

See Ya Later.