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*SVU4ever Blog


Okay, so first off. The braces are getting better. I ate a hamburger Sunday night, which was really nice. I'm also sorta getting used to the look of them.

I don't know if this is allowed, but oh well.

My real question is... has anybody else been reading Spin by MaddyM on svufiction? (I don't know if any of you guys are her, but I don't think so...) Anyway, she had said she might delete it, and I think she did because I can't find it anywhere on there. Does anyone else know what's up with that? If she did, I'm going to be sad, because I was really liking it.

I'm sure you wish your mouth was full of metal....aka braces

So, I've never done a blog before, but I figure it will help me level up, so I'm trying it. It will also help me keep putting off all the crap I have to do so without further ado(how do you spell that?), here goes...

This past Wednesday, I got braces. Yes, lots of people have gotten braces before and survived, but it's really sucking for me. I'm in high school, and all of my friends got braces in middle or elementary school, mostly 6-8 years ago, so I'm pretty much alone with my braces. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that nobody has them that I know. I went to an ordthodontist when I was younger, and he looked in my mouth and said, "Wow! Your teeth are straight, you don't need braces." Which is true, my teeth DO look perfectly staight. The problem is that he didn't take any x-rays, or pictures, or do anything at all for that matter besides just look at it real quick. Needless to say, he never realized that my entire jaw is misaligned and that I will have jaw problems the rest of my life if I don't get braces. That is what my new orthodontist announced to me this past month.

My mouth hurts like crap, and I haven't eaten anything more solid that pudding, yogurt, and mashed potatoes since Wednesday morning when I made myself a last meal of eggs, bacon and toast. My cheeks and gums are all swollen, so when I talk you can barely tell what I am saying. People keep on misunderstanding what I am saying and I have to repeat myself. In English the day I got my braces, the teacher had me read aloud to the class. It was horrible! On top of that, they look really bad. I want to get them off as soon as possible, so I couldn't get clear brackets, or even get ones that had the colored bands on each bracket. Apparently doing those things makes it take longer because of traction or something like that. It has to do with how easily the wire can slide, and I guess metal on metal slides the easiest. With no color, it looks like my teeth are just really dirty because there are big black spots on my teeth.

I guess that was my rant on orthodontics. 544 days 10 hours and 39 minutes of metal in the mouth remaining.

Now I better go do the stuff I referenced at the beginning of this.